
How do you stay occupied on long plane flights?

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I have a 17 hour plane flight to South Africa in August (over 34 hours on a plane total). I don't want to take anything too expensive because we are staying in townships, and I know I won't sleep for most of the flight... I am a nervous flyer, so I don't get very far in books when I fly... What are good things to pass time on a long flight? Any tips to keep busy? Any crafts or puzzles that are good for flights?




  1. Oh god, poor you! The longets flight i have been on is 3 hours and i thought THAT was bad lol

    well i normally read, sleep, play my video games, like nintendo DS and stuff like that, i play my ipod, i talk to people beside me, ehhhhhhh......bring like a HUGELY tangeled up roll of string and untangle it during your flight...that will take up AGES lol

    ehhm...what else....take a 100 piece jigsaw, that will take forever to complete si it will use up loads of time....if your into that.

  2. books, ipod, hand-held games, puzzle books.  try to sleep  17 hours is a long time!  

  3. it is one of those cheap airplanes that doesn't have the little t.v. screen on the back of the person in front of you's chair?

    i've been on a couple of those. however they weren't any longer than 6 hours so all i did was stare out the window and fall asleep.

    but you should

    try taking a good book or an ipod. if you have a movie phone that would be great as long as you put it into flight mode so it doesn't interfere with any navigation signals. Buy a nintendo D.S. or another kind of hand held game. Get a bop it with headphones so it doesn't annoy other people, they're pretty addictive. Just take as many different forms of entertainment as you can so it doesn't get tedious. Remember you wont be awake for the whole 17 hours.

    Have a nice flight! :-)

  4. rubik's cube?

    Nintendo DS?

    MP3 player



    colouring book (no matter what age you are!)

    word search puzzles


    join the mile high club!

    or if you are really nervous, see if you can drink the bar dry! (joking)

  5. I eat everything I am given, drink everythign I am offered and watch any movies I like, play inflight games, basically do things for short periods and sleep. I am lucky, although I am 6ft tall and can barely move my legs I can sleep on planes. Get a window seat and look out of the window in daylight when over land, ti is fun to see what is passing below and guess what country you might be flying over especially in Africa!

  6. most international flights have a tv behind every chair you could watch various movies, or even play games on them... thats what i usually do... in case you dont want to bring anything...

  7. When I go on long trips, I usually take some puzzle books with me. Sudoku, Crossword Puzzles and the Find A Word Ones. And an iPod, but you might wanna scratch that out since you said you don't wanna bring anything too expensive. How about a sleeping aid, ant-anxiety meds? Or..... some colored pens and a notebook to doodle on?  

  8. If you fly with the better airliner, then you need no worry. Cause this day, almost all have personal entertainment system with more then 40 (sometimes up to 100) movie to choose from, and lots of mini (nintendo gameboy kind of) games.

    I'm referring to Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Thai Airways, China Airlines, Emirates, Qatar Airways and soon.

  9. I like my DS w/ a few puzzle games. Also maybe b/c the flight is so long you should ask your dr for some pills to help your nerves. Also those electronic poker games are fun and addicting.

  10. Long flight planes have screens so you can watch one of their films, you could listen to music or you could ask your doctor to prescribe you with sleeping tablets as these will knock you out for alot of the journey particularly if you are a nervous flyer-just make sure the people you are with can help you off the plane as you will be drousy when you awake!!

  11. I stayed in a plane for almost over 24 hours twice and I have my trusty ipod with me!!!!! When most of the people sleep or in the night they play good movies. try knitting and get like one of those cheap portable games that have batteries and stuff.  Try bringing one of those puzzle books like sudoku.  Anything electronic, portable, and you use almost everyday you might want to use.

  12. if you have one i would take a video game with me. you could watch the movie on the screen.  

  13. -listen to i pod

    -read a book



    -eat xtra

    -rock paper scissors


    -play PSP

    -play chess

    -play nintendo DS

    -have a chat with the air hostess

    -ask the air hostess out

    there are enough things kept me bussy.

  14. Alright, first of all calm down. Second, most planes have a little desk in the front so you can lie your head on to sleep and also if you have a DS you can play something like Nintendogs or New Super Mario Bros to kill your time. If your not in to video games pick up a good book.

  15. MP3 players are great for flights



    Draw lol

    movie player if you have one

    gameboy or something

    a rubix cube!

    Hope I helped!!!!!!!

  16. at: oh gosh, are you kidding me ? 17 hours a nonstop flight ? never knew, that was possible :-0 good luck

  17. 17 HOURS

    i fly from Florida to Portugal and its 12 hours and im always complaining

    i feel bad for u....i take benadryl 2 pills and i sleep during the whole flight only wake up to

    u should do the same at least u sleep for half of the flight  

  18. make sure its a iPod touch - best aspect ratio and then you can coast through the flight watching movies comfortably. Also, make sure to keep a rapid charger as it won't have enough battery life for the entire trip. (it will boost the battery life from 5 to 10 hrs.)

  19. I Say Get a Ipod, Portable DVD Player [if allowed] and water

  20. Make a house out of popsicle sticks or you can make a gingerbread house...

  21. if you can't sleep try phenegren , knocks you out.  I also like to pass the time away by passing the stewardesses notes saying there is a bomb in the holdall. Or jumping up in mid flight shouthing 'ALLAH' , just to see the faces on people, it's great

  22. I knit.  I bring several different little projects, bamboo needles, and fun yarns, and not only do I not get bored, I get the satisfaction of projects completed!  I think it's a good option for a long flight like yours.

    And, it's very calming.

  23. If ur not going by urself then play pictianry hangman bring videogames and bring some markers and like paper and bring cards so u canplay solitare and stuff have fun have a safe flight

  24. I just went on a 24 hr drive and we took snacks, my nintendo ds, lots and lots of movies... lap top and got on the internet... hmm i think thats it. It's hard to choose things that are inexpensive and not books. maybe you could learn how to sew or knit or crochet or something?

  25. I have done that flight and know how long it is.Get to your Dr and he will prescribe something that will take the edge off. Their is little else if you are a nervous flier

  26. I just had a 12 1/2 hour flight to london i did my nintendo ds its like $112 and games are like between 12-21 dollars i did crossword & sudoku puzzels they are fun go to

  27. Bring an Etch-a-Sketch, lots of magazines, drink lots of water so you constantly have to pee and get up and move around (I'm serious I've read that tip before), bring your Mp3 player or portable CD player, write notes to people, bring paper to doodle on, etc.. Lol

  28. The longest flights I ever take are from Philly/NYC to western europe and they're usually between 7-9 hrs each. Idk. I usually listen to my iPod, watch a movie on my laptop or choose some of the movies the plane offers, read a magazine or a book, and then by this point my eyes get tired and I sleep the rest of the way.

    I usually just don't sleep the day before and exercise before long flights. Guaranteed to be in a mini coma the majority of the way there lol

  29. You Could

    -Look at the window

    -Chat to passengers

    -Get a corssword book

    -Get a wordsearch

    -Colouring in

    -Reading In Flights Mags



    -Reading Exciting Books

    -Reading The Simpons Comics

    -Listening To E-Books

    -Use A Laptop

  30. iPod.

  31. I dunno if these are allowed. But try..

    a psp

    a portable dvd player

    a gameboy/nintendo ds

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