
How do you stay on top of housework?

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I've just had a massive spring clean of my my standards it now looks like a show home!

I love it like can i keep it that way? I'm a really really messy person by nature, and so is my partner!

So please share your methods for keeping on top of housework!





  1. kick yr partner and try no offence meant lol

  2. I use the Flylady system and I love it! I have simple morning and evening routines. Chores are broken up into 15 minutes chunks with my timer. I have a plan every day and every week. I may not follow it exactly, but at least I have it! This is the best system I have ever used, and I have tried a lot. Here's a link:

    It really works. It's flexible and family friendly. Good luck!

  3. have like, 6 trash cans in every room

  4. get rid of clutter, honestly

    have a good tv cabinet that hides everything

    have a quick hoover before you go to work

    wash dishes before you go to bed

    have a big, tidy laundrey basket and put your clothes in to wash for the weekend

    have no c**p bottles on display in your bathroom

  5. oh i know the feeling !!

    but you know how you l ove how your house looks right now ?? let that be your motivation.

    key is to do little all the time instead of doing a massive clean once every few weeks or months - like you said you have a done a spring clean and most likely to get back into old habits and mess it all up again !

    the mantra is

    "a place for everything and everything in its place"

    just remember this and you will soon get into the rhythm of thinking - why is this here ?? where does this go ??  get your partner to join you in this effort too !!

    i am constantly put things away in their right place - clothes (think laundry basket ?  wardrobe ? ironing basket ?), papers (filing / throwing away / shredder),

    have a routine for washing - hoovering - moping. sort out post as soon as it comes and dont let it pile. dont chuck your clothes everywhere, have a nice laundry box - i usually do 2 washes during the week, that way i have more time in the weekend.  also always put away the dried clothes the next day that you wash them - so you wont have a big pile awaiting you .

    try to do housework over the week rather than everything in the weekend- i always hoover on a friday evening after work ! yup tonights the night, unless i am planning to go out - then i make sure i do it on a thursday evening.  

    on the 1st of every month i flip over all my mattresses and put the bedsheets and pilowcovers for a wash on the same day so every month my bedsheets get changed no matter what.

    organise everything !! buy some those lovely wicker baskets from tesco or something and put any extra stuff and magazines in there, organise your jewellery and dont leave it on the dressing table - these are common things that we do and that makes our house look cluttered.

    always put away the dishes after you have washed them - that way when you get around to washing up next time  - vola there is space for you !!

    hey i could go on forever, i know - its a really difficult thing to keep you house spotless and neat all the time - but it really is worth it !

    another tip - i always leave some feel good music on when i am cleaning around - it really helps !! enjoy the housework !!

  6. I have a home for everything! I'm very lucky that my place has a huge amount of built in storage, plus I have loads of shelves etc, so that helps. Putting things away makes it tidier!

    With the actual cleaning - I do one job each day at least - today I hoovered, and cleaned the kitchen.

    Then I have one day a week where I give the place a proper going over - usually a monday.

    Then if it still gets bad, I have another big spring clean. Only need to about twice a year usually though :)

  7. i do one chore a day like maybe the bathroom one day then the counters the next my house is very clean and i never feel like i am cleaning for hours

  8. Either hire a cleaner or make sure you do a little bit of cleaning/tidying every day.

  9. hey to do this you may have to change your self a little bit.

    ok one thing you can do is to say make sure you put things back where you picked it up from this way it will help a little.

    if you have problem with clothes which may be anywhere in your bedroom then buy a bucket and make sure you don't leave them anywhere use the bucket and keep it in there.

    start with small stuff.

    as small changes make big effects.

    Hope this will get you going.



  11. I dont I only clean like every few months

  12. will help you get your act together!

  13. Don`t be so lazy and get on with it

  14. Spend an hour a day in one room cleaning. the best thing i ever did was bribe my bloke. If he wants fun then he has to work 4 it x keeps every1 happy.

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