
How do you stay out of mosh pits???????

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How do you stay out of mosh pits???????




  1. Unfortunately,You would have to stay in the back.

    Most mosh pits are in the front.

    Or you can just run out of it.

  2. Hang onto the bar and hope you don't get dragged in. Not much you can do to stay out if you're near them.

  3. I don't.

    I'm in one now. Makes it tough to type and look cool though.

  4. dont go.

  5. get to the back or get to the very front and hang onto the bar like your life depends on it!

  6. Hang out at the local library.

  7. What do you mean, "stay out"? Why would you want to do that? Just go for it, don't be one of the people who goes to see an adrenaline-rushing band and then sit at the back for fear of the pit!!

    So if you wanna know how to stay IN a mosh pit, it's easy. Use your side and shoulder when you're going to smash into someone, and keep your arms to the front of your body so you can use them to your best advantage. Keep hands in a fist to avoid breaking fingers or getting them caught on anything. And remember -- a mosh pit is violent, but nothing to be afraid of. People in there may look like they're about to trample and kill you, but the reality is, if you fall down there'll be five people helping you back up before you get so much as a kick in the head.

    If you REALLY wanna stay out though, what you do is, stay a few rows back from the pit. It will expand, so this way you'll have warning. When someone flies into you, give them a hefty push back into the pit with both hands -- HOWEVER, don't push other people into the pit unless you want to be dragged in yourself, because that's what happens.

    I'm not sure where you go to shows or what bands you see, but one of these times I might be there; I'll be the guy right in the middle sending smaller kids SOARING.

  8. Easy. Stay away from the 6ft tall stoners that throw people every wear. Trust me its not fun to be thrown into sweaty people with out shirts. or just go with a guy friend/bf because normally people leave couples alone.

  9. Stand anywhere but the front and center of the show.

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