
How do you stay positive when the people all around you is so negative? why i want to commit suicide already?

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How do you stay positive when the people all around you is so negative? why i want to commit suicide already?




  1. How old are you ? Where do you live?they should be the ones wanting to commit suicide not you. Try your best to stay positive. Look up to the right people. Ask a school counselor for help or just email me.

  2. Stay away from negative people .. you have to stay positive go on long walks playing music as you walk, or do something you enjoy and have nice warm baths with relaxation music,  but you need to involve yourself with positive people and positive entertainment


  3. Find new friends i guess, or other friends. Then youll realise that theres something else out there for you besides all these sad negative peopel. Or help them understand.. Try not to think that theyre all you have and you can befriend noone else. Even if you have at least one positive friend that'll keep you grounded. Hope i helped =)

  4. be really positive about all the other nut cases out there, there's a great bunch of them for you to be friends with and talk about fruit cake topics

  5. i agree with rob b go find some other people to hang out with that our more postive and i would go to a councler about that sucide problem  

  6. Change your environment and hang around more positive people.

  7. first don't commit suicide ok because this is just a part of life if every thing was always great and good all the time you wouldn't ever know or appreciate a good thing when it hit you i have had a horrible life for example i've seen my step dad slit his wrists and try to commit suicide every time my mom tried to leave i have seen every thing i owned broken and thrown away i have had police break down my door when i was a teen and much much more but despite all that i am married with a baby and am so happy i just tell my self i would never take back what happened to me and what i have seen because it made me the strong person i am to day and if i meet some one who has gone through what i have gone through i can honestely say it will be ok you can get through it because i did

  8. Killing yourself is the most stupid and selfish thing you could do. Do you want to go to h**l? Do not let that thought even enter your mind again. Are you a Christian? Do you believe in God? If so, please focus on God and the people who care about you. Do not associate with the negative people. If you have to, just pray that God will help them change their ways. Also, ask God to help you tolerate these people when you have to be around them. Just remember, they are the one's with the problem, not you. Negative people irritate me too. But talking about ending your life because of them? That is not right at all. You need to thank God for the life he gave you and set goals for yourself. Take steps to achieve these goals. You may not think so, but I'm sure there are people you know that really care about you. You need to associate with positive people who have a good outlook on life. My suggestion is to go to church. A lot of the churches I have been to have some really nice people there. They probably offer counseling too if you would feel comfortable talking with a pastor about this problem. You need to ask God in to your life if you haven't already. I found a very important prayer off of the Marilyn Hickey Ministries website. Please pray this prayer...

    This simple prayer—when prayed in sincerity—will bring you into personal relationship with God.

    Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that I need Your help.  I am not able to change my life or circumstances through my own efforts. I know that I have made some wrong decisions in my life, and I turn away from those ways of thinking and acting that are not producing positive outcomes in my life. I believe You have provided a way for me to receive Your blessings and help in my life. That way is Jesus. Right now, I believe and confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I ask Jesus to come into my heart and give me a new life born of Your Spirit. I thank You for saving me and I ask for Your grace and mercy in my life. I pray this in Jesus' name.

    I hope you will continue to run to God for your answers when life get's you down. God can and will help you with your problems. Ask God to bring people into your life that will enhance your life and make it a happy place to be. I wish you the best that life has to offer.

    Here are some great ministries that I enjoy visiting online...  This one is really helpful in looking information up in the bible.

    I hope this information has helped you.

  9. you have to block these people- they are the biggest problem. just don't speak to then, don't answer the phone, try to survive until you get away from them

  10. Channel sadness into anger. Use your anger as fuel and motivation. Overcome.

  11. i try not to hang around people like that.

    leave them too it.

    life is what you make of it.

    so best not to sit around thinking all the time surround yourself with positive people other why it will just hold you back.

    do things that you really love to do and help you feel good.

    no matter how bad you think things are there is always someone who has it worse than you.

    make something of yourself and make everyone proud.

    good luck

  12. Pray.. to God.. and ask help to think clearly

    Exercise, run, etc. Keep yourself in good physical shape. That helps you to think positively. Walking is free and great exercise.

    And Remember God mad you and there is a purpose in your life.

    Use it.. You are a child of God who  God loves.


    Jesus said .. Love all as I have loved you . The Greatest of these is Love)Agape Love ( AGAPE means PURE GODLY LOVE IN GREEK)

    John 15:12,13 "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. ... great commission Jesus gave to his disciples to make disciples of all nations. ...

    How to be Positive


  13. distance yourself from them.  

  14. hey! my i idea is b always possitive and try to turn them to positive if is it thing is try to be w/ positive people

  15. stay away from negative people.

    they become bad influences in your life.

  16. honest you need to find a new set of friends. People are negative because its easy. Uncertainty breeds fear, fear breed anger, anger breeds hate, hate leads you to the dark side. Its a viscous cycle unless you break out.

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