
How do you stay protected from threats ?

by  |  earlier

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i heard a story about theese guys that walk arpund in parking lots having people smell perfume that is realy eather and then rob and rap you thay are around where i live how do i stay safe???????????




  1. Sounds a bit impossible, but you never know.

    Be careful!  Don't smell any perfume.

  2. The best way to stay safe it to be careful of your surroundings.

    Don't let strangers get near you.

    Stay in public places, and look around and under your car before getting in to it.

    You can carry pepper spray or an alert siren.

    I have a conceal carry permit, but the best protection is being aware of things around you, don't carry bags in your arms so you can't open your car or see where you are going.

  3. Nowadays any thing is possible.If any one offers you perfume to sniff walk away.If you have to go to a parking lot make sure your not alone.Good Luck & stay safe.

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