
How do you stay sane in an insane world, surrounded by insane people?

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I believe there was even a book called "how to stay sane in an insane world." lol. But that is my question. When we're surrounded by negative influence, injustice, and all types of wrong, how do you retain sanity when all you see and are surrounded with is craziness and insanity?




  1.       As long as you know what's right from wrong you'll still be sane. It is insanity to do these things knowing they're wrong and worst, making yourself and other people believe they're ok and justifiable by some reasons. Don't add yourself to the number of insane people who only knows making other lives' miserable like theirs... I know nobody is perfect but I think it's a weakness to let these things get in to you...

  2. good question dear..... it completely depends upon us

    it is very easy:

    just stick to your moral ethics

    don't do a wrong thing when you know its wrong

    don't go in the path of injustice

    bad influences a person very easily when compared to good....but you try to grasp only the good things.....leave the bad

    my english is a bit forgive me if there are any mistakes

  3. theres allways alchoal or pills

  4. There is also good all around you. Sure you may have to look a  little harder but it's worth it.If anyone told you life was easy they lied to you. In this life as long as your breathing your going to have trial or as you call them craziness all around you. Love people but dislike the things they do.Go to a quite place to get in touch with your higher power, his name is God. Bless you dear you'll make it.

  5. Become insane yourself and fit in, it's the only way man!

  6. Be yourself. It's all a big illusion anyway.

  7. Do not mix with insane peole. Read and earn your living asyou are doing again do not mix with more and more people by wasting time in canteen or coffee home or going to moovi come back to home set on your computerand try to solve the questions raised there in.

  8. Simple.

    By sticking to your values and principles

    By seeing and doing what you expect others to do unto you.

    Thanks for asking

  9. You have to look harder and you will see that there is good happening all the time.  The media like to dwell on the negative because it gets higher ratings.

  10. Be sure about what you believe and value (or get sure).  Then do right, swim against the current.

  11. have the serenity to accept the  things that you cannot change,

    the courage to change the things that you can,

    and the wisdom to know the difference

    - it works for me, when I remember to adopt it!

  12. Create your own, sane little world; consisting of only sane people.  Others will deem you insane but hey, you'll have the last laugh.

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