
How do you stop Hot tub leaks?

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  1. Finding a leak in a hot tub is really a time taking  thing to do.There are many ways to observe if there are leaks in your hot tub. You should color the water to detect the leak out. It works quite well with leaks because it will be identifiable very quickly. Small leaks can be mended with a spa leak sealer like seal-a-leak and cracks and larger openings can be repaired with plast aid.

  2. Hot tub leaks are pretty difficult tol trace out. Try to search  for water under your pump first, as one of the common reasons are  bad seals. Check around heater, pressure switch, pipes, unions, and connections. use of a quality  leak sealer can save you some time and repair money. Although not always a permanent fix, they can be effective on many leaks, with the exception being bad pump seals, which will need to be replaced.

  3. How to fix an older leaky hot tub? Are there any particular sealants I can use aound leaking fittings and  at the base of the slats.  Thfloor is fine

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