
How do you stop a 1 yr old biter?

by Guest62876  |  earlier

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my 22mon old is biting his brothers and sisters. he likes to do raspberries on your arm but then if he gets frustrated or for no good reason he'll just bite them. he thinks it's funny and I've tried biting him back ( which he thinks is funny) telling him no etc. now when they come out of the room from nap time , him and his 3 yr old brother, his brother has bites all over his back! and in the tub his sister gets it or even while thier playing. what has worked for you guys and everyone says bite him back but he thionks it's a game now help!!!




  1. lots of kids bite, dont worry

    every time he bites someone, look him straight in the eye, firmly say, "no biting, biting hurts people," and put him in time out no matter what he's doing

    keep that up and he will stop eventually

    good luck :)

  2. Make him bite himself. Place his own hand in his own mouth and force his teeth together. He needs to realize that his own biting habits hurt others.

    Good luck!

  3. okay, the biting back technique worked for me with both of my children, but there is an art to it.  you cannot just bite them.  you have to bite while watching their face.  don't break skin, but sometimes you have to bite a little harder than you would think before they start to really feel it - and don't think it's funny.  sometimes I had to leave some good teethmarks - never breaking the skin, but you have to get your point across.  

    The child thinks it is funny - and that is why they are doing it to other kids - once they know what it feels like, they no longer think it  is funny.  it only took one or two bites with my little guys to get the point.

    Best wishes!

  4. I know how you feel,Ive had a biter.

    Don't worry 'most' kids go through these stages.

    It will stop.

    Probably the first time that he did bite he liked the reaction he got,found it funny when one of you was jumping about like a loon rubbing your arm.

    He just needs to know that it hurts,when he realizes he will stop.

  5. tell him no and smack him!

  6. smack him in the mouth.

  7. That 's what everyone told me to bite back. Then mine thought it was a game and thought she could bite me all the time. Not so funny. Now that he thinks it is a game try reverse psyschology.  It hurts a child more when you dont pay attention to it, even when his feelings are hurt.  May be when he bites tell him thats not nice and now you dont get a specail treat like who ever he bit does. then hold the child who got bit and treat him/her like she is alittle better then the other. It sounds mean but it works. A lady at my church told me about it. good luck

  8. The thing I have found most effective is making them bite themselves. Roll there bottom lip over there teeth and apply enough pressure that it makes them cry. Make sure that you explain in terms that he can understand that what he is doing is unacceptable and he will be punished for it. Also us I messages. Like " It make brother sad when you bite him, look at brother he is crying." Hopefully it will make him feel a little guilty and he will stop just because he doesn't like the feeling of guilt.

  9. the kids teething leave him alone

  10. tell Him NO! Every time he does that. Give him time out while no one his with him so he cant bite them. punish him also by saying things like no ____ for an _____. Fill in the blanks.

  11. I was a biter too. She bit me back, not too hard, but to show that it hurt. I stopped biting.

  12. Our son went through this too!  We tried the whole biting back, and he also thought it was a game.  But a good slap on the mouth seemed to really get his attention.  Make sure when you do it though you're telling him "no biting"  So he knows what he's being punished for.  You can also do timeouts, but most kids that age don't tend to understand the meaning of that.  It is a phase, but hopefully he'll be out of it soon.  This can also be a sign that he may also be teething some more.  Check for eye teeth (if he hasn't already got them) and molars that should be starting to come in..  He may just be irritated by the pain and biting makes it feel better.  Good Luck!

  13. smack his mouth when he bites and tell him no, so that he will learn that biting is wrong. tell him that biting hurts. he may just be teething also. biting is usually just a stage that toddlers go through, some kids do it and some don't. but don't worry, he won't be a biter forever =)

  14. Teach him to not bite. If he bites tell him its bad and do something bad to him.

  15. it will stop when you ignore the behavior.  zero tolerance is best, so gently touch the child's mouth and say NO.  remove the child from the situation and provide non-human teething options.

  16. slap him in the mouth when he bites, or spray his face when he does it--or stick bar of soap in his mouth every time he bites-just on his tongue and teeth don't make him eat it--he is a tyrant.

  17. i bit my little sisters foot one time and my mom  literally stuck a bar of soap on my mouth....

    guess what? i never bit anyone again....

  18. you can put him in time out..... but honestly this is just a phase that youre going to have to wait out. you should definitely tell him no and put him in time out, but dont be surprised if he doesnt stop for a little while. it is a common phase that kids go through. he will grow out of it.

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