
How do you stop a child from sobbing?

by Guest58299  |  earlier

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I work in a nursery sometimes, and a little girl in there cries CONSTANTLY. She will do nothing but be held for hours. Is there any way I can get her to settle down faster and be happy to leave her parents?

PS~ She's 3 years old. Is this normal???




  1. You need to find ways to distract her.  I have a home daycare and when one of the little girls started, she cried all morning for her mother.  The next day I asked mom to make her good bye brief so she didn't have time to get all worked up before she left.  It worked, but of course she still cried.  So, the following day, I had some distractions ready for her at the door.  The rocking horse she liked with music, a doll or some stickers ... as long as I didn't hold her while she was crying she was easily distracted.  If I held her she'd just continue crying.  You just need to try to find something to distract her and keep her busy busy busy, so she doesn't have time to think about mom leaving.  Holding her and cuddling her while crying is kind of telling her she should be crying.

    Good luck!

  2. this is very normal. Try not to bribe her but instead introduce her to activites that allows her to be the leader. If she finds a best friend maybe she will find some security. I know the other kids need attention but so does she. Give her some extra love until she adopts.

  3. you have to ignore the fits. They feed off of the attention and want to see how far they can go and how easy it is to break you. they start doing that at 2 years old. Just explain to her that the behavior isnt tolerable and when she wants to talk then calm down and come see you. They may be children but in that area they know EXACTLY what they are doing.

    hope this helps.

  4. that can b normal. most important is to stay calm. toddles can sense ur tension and it will make them cry:(

    if u r tense she will b. It depends on the child but it is possible that if u pay less attention she will stop. however, u said she needs to b held for hours....very sad. She really may jst need that attention. i  firmly believe in giving a child the attention they need. she needs comfort and it may b her parents fault...what i mean is if she is not getting enough attention at home she will not adjust like the others. Daycare may not b for her. Does she have a routine ther cuz that is important and helps.

  5. maby she is not getting enough attention that you are giving to the rest of the kids.

  6. i think it is normal for her age . i would try telling her her parents dont like to see her cry and they want her to play and have fun so when they get back to see their little girl having fun

  7. Don't give in to the behaviour by holding her.  Use distraction with toys, arts/crafts etc...  Reinforce that her parents will be returning.

    Perhaps ask her parents to have a special toy from home to bring.

  8. Yes that is normal at that age they want to be held constantly try giving her a rattle or a teddy bear something to play with put her with other kids see if she makes friends.

  9. You work in a nursery and don't know that seperation anxiety is normal in small children?  Where did you get your education?  Do the parents of the children you tend know you are lacking?  How scary...Sorry but I wouldn't leave my children in a nursey/day care/preschool where the care givers have no clue about children.

  10. Getting her engaged with activities as soon as they walk into the door helps a lot. They do this with the kids @ my daughter's daycare.

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