
How do you stop a dog from rolling?

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I live on a farm with some calves, a few horses, my Lab/Newfie cross, and my newfoundland. Every morning when I go out to take care of the animals, the dogs roll in and eat the animal c**p. They stink all the time. Neither likes baths, and I'm not supposed to bathe them often anyways, since it strips the oil from their coats. How do I stop them from rolling?




  1. maybe a shock collar when they roll use it  

  2. its just their nature to do that.covers their sent.

  3. It's a natural instinct for dogs to roll in and eat poo.

    It's thought they roll in it to mask their scent when hunting, and eat it because their diet is lacking in essential nutrients.

    You need to teach the "leave" command.

    When they go to do it, shout "leave" and hold out a treat, if you do this every time they will soon learn that leaving the poo gets them a tasty treat.

    My Labs favourite is duck poo!

  4. When you see them do this spray em down with some perfume.  Or smell it on them.  

  5. That's a tough problem you've got.  Since you live on a farm, you are able to let your dogs off leash without them getting into trouble except for their nasty habits with poo eating and poo rolling.  It is a natural instinct for dogs to want to engage in such disgusting (to humans anyway) activities.

    So you've got two choices: Keep your dogs on leash or confined indoors (or in a kennel).  Or train your dogs to not get into the poo.  Training with a remote trainer a.k.a  e-collar and formerly known as a shock collar will get the results you want very quickly.  Please get a professional dog trainer to train You before using a remote training collar though.  There are models available that come with two collars and one transmitter for two dog families like yours.

    It's a coincidence this topic came up today because today was the first day I began "leave it" training with my dog on an e-collar.  We started with a good game of frisbee and with just a few minor corrections from the collar, my dog was leaving the frisbees when told to.  After the frisbee/training session, my dog was hot so we walked down to a stream so she could cool off and drink.  She found something nasty down by the edge of the stream and began to roll but I caught her in time.  I told her to leave it, (She didn't leave it at first) gave her a little correction, and she came right to me.

  6. don't know if it will stop, but might slow down.

    have a noise maker.  can of rocks.  when they start toward the spot shake the can hard and call them to you.  get their attention somewhere else.  (maybe not a bath but spray down with a water hose while they are tied up).

    or what works for my pap is to tell her it's a trick and try to get her to do it.  she only does her tricks if she wants to not if i tell her to.

    good luck.

  7. You cant. Its a dogs instinct

  8. whistle until your pet follow you

  9. you can't, or just keep them inside

  10. Dogs roll in stinky things.  I had a dog that rolled over a dead about putrid!  Anyway the only thing you can do is keep the dogs way from the fecal matter!

  11. Unfortunately it's a dog's instinct that makes them roll in stinky stuff. I don't know a good answer other than to try and keep them away from it. It could be worse, my cocker spaniel used to seek out dead mice to roll on, ick ick ick.  

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