
How do you stop a horse from backing?

by Guest57289  |  earlier

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A friend of mine is riding a horse that backs up when she gets nervous. She is very high strung. How do I stop this problem?




  1. Go back to basics. Teach her to relax and drop her head; work on what she does well so she's confident and ask for new things slowly. When she backs up get her going forward even if it's circling. Don't pull back - if she's stressed and nervous you'll teach her to rear and that's NOT acceptable. You have to engage her hindquarters and get forward motion...even if it's in a small circle. I would not advise riding away and coming back - for two reasons. 1 is some horses once turned away will bolt and you've created a runaway. 2 because in going away she's being rewarded for stopping and backing up by going away from what she doesn't like. Riding a small circle - with that forward motion - doesn't let her stop to back up or rear but also doesn't let her leave.

  2. Open her up and remove reverse gear.....and do something about all the shite you lot leave on the road too!

  3. Apply the brakes, make sure brake pads are replaced regularly.

  4. Turn her away from whatever she is backing from and walk away, turn back and try again - always channel anything negative into a positive!

  5. If she is riding, keep sending her forward, turning a a tight circle will solve the problem at that moment, but if something happens at a show, in the ring in front of a judge, they aren't going to be happy that you aren't doing what you're supposed to be doing.

    If it's on the ground, DO NOT PULL. let her have some slack, but if you pull or hold on tight, she'll think she's caught on something and will keep pulling back harder, or rear.

    Make sure to keep her front legs on the ground, rearing is a sucky habit to break.

  6. if you get trained to be a horse rider, they will tell you how a horse should stop backing up, but listen carefully and hope that you wont make a mistake.

    horse riding is very dangerous

    watch out :)

    you can get paralized if you fall off in the wrong position.

    be carefull and good luck


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