I have a horse, really nice to ride most the time. He tends to start jig joging( like prancing on the spot) and starts going backwards forwards left to right etc. and i dont no how to stop him from doing it. He suddenly gets really touchy with his mouth and breaks out in a instant sweat all over his body. When he starts this all i do is try n push him on and i get him to walk and trot in a big circles. Sometimes it works but only for a little while but usually he ends up stoping and wont move at all... No matter how hard i kick him, i dont use crops or spirrs on any of my horses, but i used a crop on him once and he did nothing n i hit him with it a good 2-3 times on the butt and sholder, but he just stood there.
If you have any ideas on how i could fix it. As soon as he starts it i basicly let go of the reins and use ALL leg to get him to move coz he is so touchy with his mouth once he starts.