
How do you stop a puppy from biting and pulling hair?

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We just got a boston terrier puppy and he likes to bite and pull hair.if you lay on the floor he will come over and try to bite your face and pull your hair.other times when your holding him he will bite your hands.I am worried that if this is not stopped he will still do this as an adult. (he is 8 weeks old) So how do i stop him?




  1. Puppies must be taught bite inhibition.  He hasn't yet learned that biting is not appropriate play with humans.  Here's how to teach bite inhibition:

  2. when he does that wine like a dog and he will understand that it hurts  

  3. You Should Act Angry Shout at him You go Front him dont let him Come to you but u go to him and Say NO Stop And After a while h**l just Come beg for ur Acceptance. h**l Come and Apologize like woof witha whiney sound but dont be fooled atleast stay 15 mins Then go and Play with him. After a Couple of times h**l stop :D

    Hope This helps

  4. Give him a firm "NO" and move him away from you.

    When he comes up to you and you're laying on the ground and doesn't bite you, or doesn't bite your hands when you're holding him, tell him he's a good boy and reward him with a treat.

    He'll learn that he gets scolded for biting, but gets rewarded for being sweet.

  5. Well he is 8-weeks-old, he is teething.  The baby teeth come out between 4-and 6-months-old.  Trade your fingers for a toy or bone, and you can wear something like garden gloves when you are training.  You could use a command like "off" when he is biting or pulling hair.  When he behaves, say "good boy" so he learns what pleases you and what doesn't.  With my current puppy, I have to point at her and snap my fingers when I trained her on "no biting" to make sure I got her attention.  

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