Ok, here's the deal. We have a 2 1/2 year old and he is a very good boy. He doesn't break stuff, he rarely has tantrums, and he learns new things very well. The problem is he almost continuously screams at that blood curdling pitch we all know and love. The tricky part is that in a vast majority cases he is NOT having a tantrum nor is he upset. He just loves screaming. He screams at the TV when he sees something he likes. He screams when he hears loud voices, or something relatively exciting. Yes, he does scream when he's angry/frustrated, but it's just not the majority of the problem.
I would think it's to get attention of some sort, but I think we give him plenty of that. We're always playing, doing little activities, and having a good time. Even then he screams.
We've tried ignoring it. No good. We've tried talking to him about it. No good. We've even tried giving him a stern word about it. That helps for about 20 minutes, but certainly doesn't solve it.
We do have another baby (3 months), but her arrival didn't signify the arrival of the screaming. It's been there for a lot longer than she has. Now it's just harder to cope with in conjunction with taking care of a baby.
Please help!!!