
How do you stop a six year old from sucking his thumb?

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My six year old little brother started school this past September and he has this new habit. He sucks his thumb now, something he has never done before. I'm sure he picked it up from a classmate. Anyway, he won't stop sucking his thumb. Has anyone else had this issue with their kids around this age? Were you able to get him to stop? How do I get him to stop sucking his thumb?

PLEASE!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Remove the offending thumb with a pair of bolt croppers.

  2. smack him

  3. starting at this age is unusual. he is stressed it is like he needs his mom. i never wanted to go to school.

  4. Tell him he is a little to old for it and ask him to stop. if that does not work tell him that you really ant him to stop and put some of that bad tasting stuff on his thumb so that he wont. I hope this helped! Good luck getting him to stop.


  5. Put a band aid on his finger in his favorite character and tell him that they character doesn't want to be dark and wet because he will get scared and upset so he shouldn't put his thumb in his mouth. Try giving him other things that he can suck on when he doesn't suck all day long such as a lolly pop or a Popsicle.

  6. I wouldn't necessarily resort to red chili powder, as that can be extremely distressing, and cause the child unpleasantness.  I would recommend some form of bitterant.

    Also, who's to say he'll ever outgrow this?  I know this guy I went to school with who *never* stopped.  Also, dated a girl that had the habit, especially when sleeping.  The only negative outcome of him continuing with this habit is that he will be rejected by his peers.  If this occurs, then more than likely this would correct the behavior anyway.

  7. My daughter is 5 and she still sucks her thumb. She used to do it all the time, now she only sucks her thumb when she is tired and sometimes during the day, she's beginning to grow out of it. I know someone said said he might never grow out of it but i think thats pretty rare. Every time you see him with his thumb in his mouth ask him to take it out. Thats what i do with my daughter and yes it's a slow process but it is working, very rarly do i need to tell her anymore. And if she does suck her thumb at night then i dont see much harm in it, instead of having a blanket or a cuddly toy she sucks her thumb instead. Also you said he has only just started to do this i think your right he has copied it from someone at school so eventually he'll find something else to copy. Dont make to much of a big deal out of it, children can carry on doing things just because you tell them not to.

    I certainly wouldn't put chilli powder or anything like that on his thumb and do not smack him as some idiot suggested. It a phase he's going through nothing more.

  8. I got this thing from somewhere which is to stop you from biting your nails. You dip your nails in it, and the solution thing in there tastes disgusting. Try putting that on his thumb or something. I think you can get it from chemists but not sure. Its not poisonous, but i'm not sure what would happen if you put it on your skin. There should be info on it. Hope this helps :)

  9. I doubt he picked up thumb sucking from a classmate, it is more probably that it is a security thing with him.  It really is unnecessary for him to stop sucking his thumb.  He may outgrow it or it may become something he does to self soothe at bedtime and if/when he wakes up in the middle of the night.  All three of my kids STILL suck their thumbs at night and it hasn't hurt them or myself.  My kid's ages are 5, 8 and 11.  I can't imagine a parent wanting to remove a source of comfort and security from their child but I guess there are plenty.  There is no physical reasoning for doing so...I guess it's just a power trip for some parents.

  10. put red chilly poweder in his thumb but be carefully dont put too much poweder. ok

  11. Come on! He's six. Ask him why he does that. Then, remind him that babies do that stuff and he's such a big boy, he ought to stop. After that, just pull his thumb outta his mouth each time...

      My BIL's son eats his fingernails...all the way off. I just pull his hand out and say "Ewww." very quietly. He doesn't do it at all when I'm around!

  12. give em something good to play with

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