
How do you stop a toddler from throwing food on the floor?

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My 20 month old daughter (one of twin girls) constantly throws her food on the floor while eating. I've tried ignoring it, yelling at her, taking the food away, offering her different food - I'm at my wits end. On the whole she is a very good girl but the food throwing drives me nuts!!!! Any suggestions? Thanks!




  1. It usually means that they are finished eating. Take the food away and teach them the word NO.

  2. That's what kids do at that age-it doesn't mean she doesn't want or anything like that. Just ignore her and take the food away. The more fuss she makes the more she sees it's going to get her attention.

    She'll grow out of it.

  3. Since she is 2 you should pop her hand. Not where it hurts but lets he know that's bad and doing that doesn't teach her to hit. I was spanked all my life and I'm glad they did it cause i don't know where i would be. I was always respectful and sweet to everyone. I never got in a fight. Sodon'tt let people tell you its cruel. Its a way of life. THese kids who get spanking are most of the time sweet and respectful. These kids who don't are brats.  

  4. if my 11 month old has taught me anything, its that there are some behaviors that we just have to wait for them to grow out of and this sounds like one of them. good luck, my little pumpkin has been doing this also.

  5. my son does that sometimes but when i put him to eat and watch tv at the same time he seems to enjoy his food more...  

  6. Give her the food, stay close, and wait for her to try to do it. When she grabs it and lifts her arm in the air to throw it, grab her arm quickly, get right in her face, and say "NO!" and put her hand back over the bowl and squeeze just a little, and she'll drop the food. Then hand her the fork or spoon again and say "Eat like a big girl". Stay close and repeat this until she gets it.

  7. if you get a good response to this question please let the rest of us moms know  

  8. when they do so leave it there and walk away until they get very annoyed that should stop them

  9. so she throws food on the floor, so what, you should be so lucky to have her to do that. My bestfriend just lost her little 19 month

  10. if your baby's a cat, my sister does this, she follows it around all day and sleeps with one eye open watching the cat and if it throws up a hair ball she sprays it, but my mom gave my baby sister the fork and knife right away, start by teaching her the name of the fork and spoon, the make sure they know what it looks like, then show her how you pick up food/ soup with them, make sure you show her over and over and over and over, then the last step, put it in her hand, show her how to hold them, then show her how to use one, do it again and again until she can do it all by herself.

    hope i helped! have a nice day!

  11. buy a huge table so its impossible

  12. When she throw the food she either wants attention or doesn't like it. If she doesn't like it don't try to make her other foods, that makes her fussier. When you give her the food and she goes to throw it grab her arm and tell her no you don't throw, you eat like a big girl.

  13. Lol you don't. I am not picking on you I have three kids and my youngest son is 21 months old and still does this sometimes. It is how they learn cause and effect. Like pouring water out of a cup. When my kids started this behavior I took it as a chance to set up cause and effect activities to satisfy their curiosity. It worked, before meals I would do these activities with them encouraging the whole time. Then at meal time I sit close with my food and I drop something on the floor and tell them to say "No Momma naughty" I then say " Momma is sorry I will be good" and when they start to drop something I say "No naughty" and they seemed to make the connection. Although my son does still every so often drop something its not near the mess it used to be. Be patient and have fun with them remember they are learning every second.

  14. Try throwing food with her. Unconventional but it will surprise her so much she will laugh, may do it a while longer but eventually will get bored and stop. At this age yelling doesn't work. I did unconventional things with my kids. Now they are the best behaved A students. You might also try giving her and her sister one m&m after the meal if they behave. Put it on a table away from her so she can see it but can't have it until she properly finishes her meal.

  15. give her little at a time  

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