
How do you stop animal cruelty?

by  |  earlier

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how do you stop whaling, animal cruelty, people thinking that vegetarians are dumb idiots and people killing seals and kangaroos for no reason exept for the fact that they want there fur!!!>:(




  1. don't buy products that abuse animals

  2. I wish they would all die, theres nothing that can be done except writing to the government, like your state senator to make a law. Its horrible. And about vegetarians, man F*ck those dumb hicks, Im a vegetarian, nothin dumb about it.

  3. Inform other people. Petition local animal laws that allow for this cruelty to go on. DON'T BUY IAMS BRAND PET FOOD! Iams has been proven on many occasions to do harmful tests on their animals, then ship them off to other testing facilities.

    Write letters to the Managers of places like Iams and COMPLAIN! Boycott places such as these until they are forced to stop and be humane about what they are doing. My thing is: Iams brand I won't buy, while dogs and cats still die.

  4. gud Qn....people kill animals 4 no reason..mmm i stop this by....  i don bye any products which abuse animals....n i will do programs against animal cruelty...n aware people...thats all we can do 4nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Fight for harsher laws.  Punishments should be much more severe.  Group together with other people who want to see this inhuman behavior stopped and talk until the big people get tired of hearing it and then scream.  I think that if there were enough voices, they wouldn't and couldn't be ignored.

  6. Unfortunately there will always be people out there who enjoy, or at least don't have a problem with animal cruelty. While it's likely that this fact will never change, what CAN change is the cruelty toward animals by industry, farming and commercial ventures.

    People need to be eductated on where the products they buy actually come from. They need to be willing to support the companies that use cruelty free practices in their production, and stop spending any money on those that don't. That's the biggest way we can change these things. Eg - if people didn't buy furs, seals wouldn't be killed.

    Of course, there are going to be animals that are still killed for food, or culling (kangaroos are not killed for fur - that's a by-product of culling for population control).

    People are always going to eat meat - it's unrealistic to expect the world to become vegetarian - it just isnt' going to happen any time soon. So, kinder farming methods need to be encouraged, so farmers can still make a living doing the right thing by the animals. Again, essentially, it's up to consumers to do this. If we aren't willing to pay the extra $ to support the more expensive, kinder farming production practices, then farmers will go broke, and cheap imports will take over the market.

    People aren't powerless - if we care, we CAN change the world for a lot of animals!

  7. Vegetarians arent dumb.

    Theyre doing something nice for the animals, but Im not vegetarian. I think its stupid how people always want the REAL fur. I dont see whats wrong with fake fur used on stuffed animals. Maybe cuz everything just has to be "designer". I dont think theres anything one person can really do to stop animal cruelty but there are always ways to help. I wish the president would keep a notice on it.

    **And about my question about touching my dogs eye...sorry if that looked like animal cruelty or anything. It just didnt seem normal that a dog would do that and I love animals. I prefer them more than most people. Im gonna volunteer at a shelter soon, become a vet, nd what not. :D


    and castrate the abusers

  9. you should start a campaign and try to get as many people as you can to become a vegetarian start with friends and family and then they can tell their friends and family and it goes on and on.

  10. I think its education, most people live in large concrete cities nowadays and do not have much interaction, in any, with animals in the wild and in their natural habitat.  People are so detracted from the natural world, they are too busy worrying about their iPods and cell phones.

    People should be enlighten to go out to a farm, and touch and feel and interact with these animals in person.  They should see their facial expressions and look them in the eye.  They should see that they have feelings too, and are not just "objects".

    Then, they should personally go to a leather making factory or meating cutting plant and witness with their own eyes the process that these living creatures goes through.  Just so that we as humans may enjoy the animal's own skin in a jacket, and not even think twice about where it came from.

  11. I'm against it too and i try to put things all over my my space page about it and so do a lot of my friends I'm studying about becoming an animal cop and i would say put up some posters and yell at anyone abusing animals

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