
How do you stop being depressed...??

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I have been depressed for about 10 years ( I am 26)... And no I have never seen a doctor for this




  1. Then you need to see a Doctor.  Obviously, you have not beaten the depression in 10 years....time for some meds and therapy !!!

  2. Therapy. Possibly meds. But it's hard to get off meds when you're on them, so be careful.

    Definitely see your doctor first up.

  3. Its a mind set. Convince your mind you're not depressed then your emotions will follow. Depression is an effect of the negative thoughts in your mind which translate into emotions. First, train the mind and believe in the positive things and see how that works.

  4. I cant help but wonder why you havent gotten help before now.  There is alot of stigma around depression, lots of folks think by admitting to needing help means they are admitting they are flawed somehow.  Depression can be caused and corrected by many things. First  find a doctor who will listen to your symptoms, and do some needed blood work. Your problem could be as simple as a metabolism imbalance.  Find the right doctor, get the meds you need to help jump start the solution to your depression, and take them as prescribed. The only other suggestions I have are to get busy.. helping those less fortunate is the best way Ive found to help my depression. Use the depression as a source to do something positive with your life, little by little you will notice in a change in how you feel about yourself if you are doing something productive to help others. Talk to your friends, your family, and let them know how you are feeling. Remember you are here for a purpose, but you wont discover your purpose setting there doing nothing and waiting for it to trip over you, get out there and do what you can, by helping others, you help yourself. Good Luck and remember you arent alone.

  5. Go see a doctor and start therapy. Yahoo answers is not where you should turn.

  6. Do you have times of happiness, as well?  Life is like a rollercoaster, there are ups and downs.  There is no med that will work as a cure-all, since all anti-depressants have warnings on labels that they can cause worsening of depression.  If you go to a doctor or psychiatrist, all he will do is prescribe meds as fast as he can.  There are very few that offer talk therapy, today.  If you can find a counselor you like and can get along with, it probably will be worth it, though.

  7. By being positive. By believing in God and talking to Him. He will surely help us out and guide us in times of need. He is the only refuge for us. good luck

    don't worry much be happy.

  8. You don't have to go to the doctor, first you can't be depressed for about 10 years. If you are depressed for about 10 years you would shoot yourself long time ago. Probably you've got an inferiority complex which is different. Second, I can't tell you how to stop this because you don't tell why do you feel like that, what are the reasons? Different reasons, different resolutions. One thing is for sure, you have to start loving yourself. If you don't, do something about it.

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