
How do you stop caring about what others think?

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i have problems with worrying about what other think about. because of this i can not act like myself and i hold back. i know that they are probably not even going to care about what i say or do but i still have the tendency to hold back. i just started college and i want to overcome this. plus i htink it would help me with making friends. does anybody have any advice?




  1. i used to have this problem too. when you fell this way its because you dont like yourself truthfully it does matter what people think of you because thats how you get jobs and everything so its important but youi need self cofidence

  2. Just tell urself ur beautiful and if someone says something to u just dont pay attention they'll laugh and stuff but still do not let it effect u just go on and know at least someone luvs u!

  3. See, you are a woman. Women can't do that. You are not wired to pull that off.

    Guys-we just blow it off.  

  4. duuude i had this same problem before ^_^

    well it might sound kinda lame but these tips helped me greatly :)

    1. STOP CARING in general about peoples negative opinions. Sure, if you be yourself and they dont accept you immediately, know that over time they wll aceept the fact that, thats how you are.

    2. If your aiming to be a certain stereotype (geek, skater, prep) gradually become that, be sure you have the confidence to pull it off too.

    3. Everyone looks up to and respects people who are not afraid to be different and unique. Just make sure that you pull off your uniqeness with confidence.

    4. And well..hehe..sometimes I instill in me this belief that im above some people. it helps me out alot i swear ^_^v its all with self esteem really.

    5. have good hygiene, no one wants to pay attention to someone who has bad hygiene. taking care of yourself is the first step in taking care of your esteem.

    6. Dont let your thoughts control you, remember: heart over mind, not mind over heart.

    7. know that you, yourself control your outcome. if you let others pull you down then your only pausingyour growth.

    8. make goals for yourself to complete each week/month/year.

    you will see the results ;)

    9. even i cant act like myself in the classroom so i get to know people outside of class. making friends in smaller groups is much easier and allows you to make friends with people in their groups, etc.

    10. dont worry about what others will think if you dont go to this and hang out with this person. be a trendsetter and make friends everywhere. dont be submissive to every party, be cool and make your own plans that maybe some people will wanna do too.

    uhmm i hope i helped. instilling confidence and not worrying about that other thing took me like a year to get over but now im a junior in high school and i like to trendset alot of things like colored skinny jeans and liking different music.

    i changed myhair too but alot of people like it and say its cute. of course people will say  bad things too but hey, haters make me famous.

    ehhhh :P

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