
How do you stop children from sassing?

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How do you stop children from sassing?




  1. what the frig is sassing?

  2. Teach them to be respectful from a young age. If you're rude to them, or around them, then they're goint to think that talking back and being rude to you and others is okay.  

  3. Ignore it.

    Meaning: Don't ignore their attitude but respond to it by NOT responding. When I had little kids that talked to me that way, I would ignore them.  Also model behavior and talk. If you sass and talk to them disrespectfully they will model your behavior. After they say something sassy, you could also say..."I'm sorry but say that again". over and over again until they do say it nicely.  

  4. its not child abuse


  5. Since you're asking this in toddler/preschooler I'm assuming you have a child that is 4 or under.  Toddlers (1 and 2 year olds) don't really grasp back talk and what it is. They just blurt out what they hear, feel or want be it inappropriate or not because they are still learning.  At that age it's best to just tell them "please say it nicely" and then rephrase what they said to you in a nicer way.  If they are in preschool though the idea of back talk is going to start emerging and when it does you need to tell them firmly"you will not talk to me that way. When you can ask or say it nicely I will listen to you but until then you need to go sit and think about it until you can."  

    The key is to not give in when they back talk- just like you don't give in to a tantrum.  When you do they learn that it doesn't matter how they talk to you because you'll do what they want rather than make the accountable for their actions- in this case, words.

  6. I am not sure what sassing is. Fighting? swearing?

  7. Stick a bar of soap in their mouth.

    Kids that young who sass are not interested in what you have to say. They are testing to see what you'll do and baby talking them does nothing. Show your kid that sassing yields something they REALLY don't like and they'll never do it again. If you've ever tasted a bar of soap, you'd think twice before talking back knowing you've got a bar of Zest waiting with your name on it....

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