
How do you stop cracking your fingers?

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I crack my fingers all the time and I know it's bad for you, but there has to be a solution to stopping? Anyone know what is the best way to stop?




  1. easy! just dont do it.

  2. he Basics of Treating Nervous Habits

       1. Discover the source of the anxiety. Since a nervous habit is in response to stress, identifying the source of the stress is the first step in dealing with the habit. Stress can be specific, like worrying about an upcoming test, or it can be general, like relationships with parents and peers, social acceptance, or any of many other factors.

       2. Be aware you are doing it. Since knuckle cracking is a nervous symptom it is, by definition, unconscious. Most of the time people are not even aware they are cracking their knuckles until somebody tells them. Of course, these last two steps are related. If you notice you are cracking, try to think about what you were worrying about while cracking.

       3. Avoid nagging. If you are a knuckle popper or care for a knuckle popper be aware that nagging or complaining about the habit is more likely to make it worse than make it go away. Nagging only leads to more stress, which increases the nervous reaction to that stress.

       4. Maintain a support system. Although nagging or increasing stress is unlikely to help, there are many ways that friends and family can help the knuckle popper. A simple touch on the arm when somebody notices unconscious habits can go a long way to understanding and dealing with the problem.

       5. Understand that most knuckle cracking is harmless and will probably go away with time. If the cracking does not coincide with other changes in behavior then patience is probably the best antidote.

       6. Understand that prolonged excessive or any kind of habit that has a negative effect on the normal course of life is always a problem, or "issue," and should be faced. Truly excessive knuckle popping, especially accompanied by the popping of other joints in the body, can be an early sign of more serious anxiety disorders. Consider that how good you treat yourself is usually the result of how good you feel about yourself.

  3. by thinging that i can stop

  4. There is no proof that it is bad for you, and I cant stop doing it either

  5. I put tape on my fingers to remind me not to do it.  

  6. I would ask your physician because I have been cracking my fingers for longer than I can remember and, if I try to stop, my fingers stiffen.  I was told by one physician that a "gas" builds up around your knuckles and when you crack your fingers, you are relieving that gas from building up.

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