
How do you stop ferrets biting?

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i have 2 baby ferrets and they keep biting me. they are 9weeks old and both are boys.




  1. Make them wear a gum shield

  2. There is something specially made for pets biting called Bitter Apple spray. Put some on your hands before playing with them and they'll never bite you again.  Once they stop, you wont have to use it anymore.

  3. Muzzle the vermin filth....

  4. you need to shout NO! and put them down everytime they bite you. All baby ferrets bite, its something they need to be weened not to do. Just keep going they will get the idea, also if you are holding them or whatever and they behave well reward them with a bit of chicken or whatever.  

  5. they are kits so like puppies and kittens biting is their way to explore. when they bite cry out as if you were in pain and they will learn they are hurting you and hold them by the scruff of their neck and drag them along slightly, this was what their mother would have done i they were being naughty so they should learn quickly, they will still bite sometimes but only when playing and that will just be gently ,also i found that handling them as much as possible helps as they will get used to you, they probably haven't been handled much.

    hope that helps!

  6. hide there false teeth before they get up in the morning!

  7. How much time do you spend with them everyday? How much time do you spend handling them?

      You need to grab them by the back of the neck and wait til they "yawn", continue doing that and eventually they will get the picture. It's called Scruffing.

      There is also some stuff on the market that you can buy at the pet store that is like bitter apples. Can't remember the name of it but that also works.

      You might want to spend more time with them out of their cage.. one on one with them is great. Ferrets are sociable and loveing animals, yet can be very playful and play biting is probably what you are experiencing.

      Don't ever physically punish a ferret!! No spanking, hitting, or isolation is going to make them quit biting. Just common sense, a lot of love and attention, and some basic training for ferrets and owner is useful.

    Any more questions you can email me at we have 4 ferrets in our home and they are all very good and don't bite. So we are willing to email with you to help you with these issues.

  8. Bitter Apple spray all over your hands is the best way to stop ferrets biting.

    Spray it on any exposed skin!

    They learn like all animals do from good and bad experiences. They hate the smell and taste of bitter apple so after a few nips they will have learnt that humans taste horrid!

  9. Don't put your fingers in the cage

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