
How do you stop from getting sick?

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i was in germany yesterday nd we flew home and on the plane someone got sick (threw up) before we were on and my family had those seats. i sat there nd im TERRIFIED of getting sick so i started freaking out so my dad brother and i moved but i was there for a good 15 minutes and my mom and sister stayed. well that was yesterday and tomrrow school starts. and it takes 2 days to get sick. that that 2nd day is my first day of school this morning i feel fine, alright, but im still scared. i took some airborne of the plane and when i got of the plane i had like 3 hours of sleep in me, and last night i got 6-7 hors of sleep. is there anything i can do to not get sick? anything you guys do? icant go back to sleep today but anything?




  1. Well Really you cannot stop yourself from getting sick. it's life. but i'm sick and i just drank 8 glasses of water a day. and i'm perfectally fine now. but a little but sick..

    The doctors would just tell you to drink lots of water. or give you taplets to take to help you out. :]

  2. You can prevent or speed up healing from a virus including stomache flu by taking elderberry.  It is a highly effective antiviral.  There are extracts like Sambucol or you can make tea from dried elderberries.

    Vitamin C is good, stress is bad, like the way you've been stressing over getting sick.  Getting plenty of sleep will help too.

  3. Take vitamin C and wash your hands often.  Also gargle with either mouth wash or warm water and salt.  

  4. i have these tablets from golden glow called 'immune boost' with andrographis or something, and they are miracle workers lol.

    i barely ever get sick anyway but they can stop you from getting sick, and even if you do, a bug that can last a few weeks will last a few days.

    it boosts the immune system so even though we are always picking up germies (lol) our bodies fight them so they dont spread. its how they work.

    other tips are drink lots of water as it flushes your system, and wash your hand a lot. simple things can help a lot.

    dont worry, stressing can cause your immune system to struggle so just dont worry about it. ok?

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