
How do you stop from wanting to throw up?

by  |  earlier

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is there anything you can do like put your head between your legs when you feel like throwing-up




  1. get a paper bag and breath in and out of it

  2. uhh.

    are you bulimic?

    because if you are, that's a habit.

    so you have to break the habit...


    i dunno.

    i don't think people ever WANT to throw up..

    so ya.

    good luck with that.

    e-mail me if you want.


  3. I get airsick when I fly in small planes.  What works best for me is to get colder - turn on the a.c. or a fan.  Eat something plain like a few Saltine crackers.  Do something else to distract yourself from the feeling.  I wouldn't recommend bending over.

  4. Just clench your throat and think as hard as you can about how throwing up will not be fun, unless you're bulimic, but it's not even fun for bulimic people.

  5. Hi,and bless your heart!I have Lung Cancer and go through Chemo and it is horrible.I have been given numerous medication to help,but,one that I was told about and it worked was PEPPERMINT candy.Yes,it works alot of times for me,give it a try.I would also consider seeing a Doctor if this continues.Good luck!You can also get the peppermint in the Vitamins section.

  6. If that happens often then a person should find out what triggers the need to throw up.

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