
How do you stop getting so many catalogs? Have you tried

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How do you stop getting so many catalogs? Have you tried




  1. I have contacted the company its self, and that doesn't seem to do any good..... what about mail that is for someone who doesn't live there anymore.... my ex used to live with me for 13 DAYS.... was in the hospital too many times to count and gave this address always.... he gets bills all the time... I have put things in with the post office and in my mail box itself saying I, xxxxxx  xxxxx, am the only resident at this address.....

    Maybe I should post this as a new question??/

  2. I have a sticker on my mailbox, which says: "No advertisement or free newspapers/magazines, please! (but feel free to post non-commercial information of public significance)" Such a sticker is very easy to make yourself. Then, if you find this request to be violated by some companies, you can file a complain at the consumers protection agency and sue the direct-mailing company.

  3. The USPS has an 800 number you can call and a form at the post office you can sign.

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