
How do you stop global warming?

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stop global warming by stop driving cars or something




  1. If there is global warming, it is caused by the sun (likewise, global cooling). Can't be stopped, started, altered or delayed by any means available to man. Drive your car all you want (if you can afford gas).

  2. Stop paying people for having kids. It's overpopulation that's the real cause.

    Ian M

  3. Methane gas is most definitely the number one cause of global warming. You could go vegetarian, that would help a lot. Or just eat poultry and seafood. I live in CA and PG&E has come up with a way to trap the methane gas and turn it into energy. It burns like natural gas. Which is a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done. Think about reusing, not just recycling. Recycling takes energy. If we reused more instead of just recycling we would save. Also, if you are in the market for a new car. Buy a fuel economic pre-owned car. There are a lot of pre-owned cars for sale that will give you great gas mileage. A hybrid car take 107 BTU's to produce and a hybrid takes 155 BTU's of energy to produce. There are a ton of used cars out there that are being junked because there is no use for them. Just don't buy or drive and SUV!!! If it's an option for you, walk or ride your bike when you can. My son and I take the bus when I have a doctors appointment (I'm pregnant). My family has only one car and we make it work. We minimize our driving. We try to buy local organic produce. We recycle what we cannot reuse. We use reusable shopping bags. And I skip on anything from the restaurants, shops, grocery stores, etc. that I feel will harm the environment. Like those green things for your coffee at Starbucks to stick in the drink hole. What a waste of plastic.

  4. the electric car. solar power. wind power.

    those are only a few. but they are changes that will actually be really easy to change to.

  5. ask the Sun ... the only one in control.

  6. My first answer would be, "Learn more about it, and what causes it, so that whatever you do, you kind of understand what you're doing."

    There are many books that have been written on this subject, and if you're serious about wanting to tackle the problem, you ought to read at least a couple of them.

    Other answers:

    Carbon dioxide or CO2 is usually thought to be the most important "greenhouse" gas that's causing our current global climate change.

    So - (A) If you can take steps as an individual to reduce the amount of CO2 you're responsible for generating, you're helping to stop global warming a little.  

    Individual steps to reduce your CO2 generation might include

    1.  getting a more fuel-efficient car, or driving your car less, or not driving at all --

    2.  AND/OR  having your family buy a more energy-efficient hot water heater, and more energy-efficient light bulbs, and doing other things so that you consume less electricity, if your power company gets its electricity from buying coal

    3.  AND/OR switching the power company you get electricity from, say from a utility that burns coal to produce electricity to another utility that uses solar energy or wind turbines, etc.

    4.  AND/OR having your family get some better insulation in your roof and walls, and maybe buying new windows, so that your house or apartment doesn't leak energy when you run your furnace or A/C

    5.  AND/OR installing a wind turbine or some solar cells on your house, so you can generate a lot of your own electricity from "green" sources ...

    B.  There's more to be said about individual steps you can take, but then there are SOCIAL and COMMUNITY steps you can take ..

    (1) participating in energy conservation programs sponsored by your church, synagogue or mosque

    (2) joining a solar energy coop, or participating in any energy saving programs set up by your city or town

    C.  Then there are POLITICAL things you can do to try to help your society and your nation deal with global warming:

    1.  Learning about "climate change" legislation that's supported by the different environmental groups, and writing your Senator or Congressman (in the US - I guess your member of Parliament if you live elsewhere) and urging them to support good climate change laws

    2.  Finding out which big corporations have good policies on global warming, and supporting them in the market ..

  7. By stopping pollution...we all can contribute in this direction...there is no need to big things for this...

  8. Kill the cows, lol... They f**t so much it polutes the earth and causes Global Warming

    let alone the cars that polute.

    So by stopping it, If you eat half the cows in one go and invent hybrid, electronical, running on water cars well most likely its going to stop at least half of our problem.

  9. You cant, we cant, nobody can.  We can destroy every factory, car, power plant, etc.  and it doesnt matter.  One good volcano eruption or a slight shift in our planitary axis and we are screwed.

  10. It was more of a problem about cows farting rather than cars wasn't it. So farm less cows but then you'll have the issue of food shortage...

  11. Install a dimmer switch on the Sun (the Sun is responsible for all of our warming trends:  Past, Present, and Future).

  12. Homes and buildings are huge contributors - find ways to lower your gas and electricity consumption by turning things off.  

    Recycle rather than throw into a landfill.  

    If you remodel, look to reuse or use salvage where you can and that will help to minimize embodied energy used to produce building materials.    

    Look around your house for ways to be green - that's a great place to start.

  13. You can not stop global warming. It's just going to happen. However there are ways that you can HELP the environment;

    1)take a city bus, walk, or bike rather than drive car

    2)use the 3 R's

    3)don't smoke

    4)turn the level on the air conditioner 1 degrees lower or not use it at all

    There are more ways,....................

  14. Fundamentals of global warming: The earth is surrounded by a cover of gasses as atmosphere. This atmosphere allows most of the light to pass through, which reaches the surface of earth. This light from sun is absorbed by the earth surface and converts into heat energy. This heat energy is re-emitted by the surface of the earth during night. Due excessive presence of some gasses in the atmosphere, this escape of heat from earth surface is prevented, resulting in heating of earth called ‘global warming’. The gasses which are responsible for causing global warming are called ‘greenhouse gasses’.

    The harmful effects of presence of greenhouse gasses in atmosphere are global warming, climate change, ozone depletion, sea level rise, adverse effects on biodiversity etc. One way or another these adverse impacts are all directly or indirectly related to the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. A number of human activities, processes and consumptions produce waste gasses or greenhouse gasses that are harmful to the environment. They include:

    (a) Fuel combustion

    (b) Energy industries

    (c) Manufacturing industries and construction

    (d) Vehicle Transport and automobiles

    (e) Fugitive emissions from fuels

    (f) Burning of solid fuels

    (g) Use of oil and natural gas

    (h) Mineral products

    (i) Chemical industry

    (j) Metal production

    (k) Production of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride

    (l) Consumption of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride

    (m) Solvent and other product use

    (n) Enteric fermentation

    (o) Manure management

    (p) Rice cultivation

    (q) Agricultural soils

    (r) Prescribed burning of savannas

    (s) Field burning of agricultural residues

    (t) Solid waste disposal on land

    (u) Wastewater handling

    (v) Waste incineration

    To mitigate the effects of global warming, the various causes of production greenhouse gases discussed above are to be restricted.

    For further information on various environmental issues please refer my blog: http://www.environmentengineering.blogsp...

  15. Here are some more steps to prevent global warming:

    Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl)

    CFLs use 60% less energy than a regular bulb. This simple switch will save about 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

    Install a programmable thermostat

    Programmable thermostats will automatically lower the heat or air conditioning at night and raise them again in the morning. They can save you $100 a year on your energy bill.

    Move your thermostat down 2° in winter and up 2° in summer

    Almost half of the energy we use in our homes goes to heating and cooling. You could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year with this simple adjustment.

    Clean or replace filters on your furnace and air conditioner

    Cleaning a dirty air filter can save 350 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.

    Choose energy efficient appliances when making new purchases

    Look for the Energy Star label on new appliances to choose the most energy efficient products available.

    Do not leave appliances on standby

    Use the "on/off" function on the machine itself. A TV set that's switched on for 3 hours a day (the average time Europeans spend watching TV) and in standby mode during the remaining 21 hours uses about 40% of its energy in standby mode.

    Wrap your water heater in an insulation blanket

    You’ll save 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year with this simple action. You can save another 550 pounds per year by setting the thermostat no higher than 50°C.

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