
How do you stop having bad and annoying days?

by Guest61269  |  earlier

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well i cant get a hold of my brother wen i want him hes always at his mothers mom's house or he may be doing somthing that i think i may be having the worst day ever.




  1. call and make a time to meet every week  

  2. You sound really needy. Perhaps you can try getting over yourself.

  3. Everyone has bad days.

    You just accept it and remember, that whatever it is, is not that bad.

    And if today is "your worst day ever", I hate to tell you, but there will be more..

    You just need to remember it's not the end of the world.

  4. That's life; get over it.  You will always have days like tthis, just like eveyone else.

  5. Don't let it get to you. Put on a smile, greet everyone friendly and try do something you like as much as you can.

    Thanks for asking.

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