
How do you stop nose bleeding?

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how do you stop nose bleeding because every day at night my nose starts bleeding.




  1. *Do not lean your head back, you might choke.*

    On your nose, you will notice that right above your nostrils or below your eyes there is a bone that is not cartilage.  Right below that bone there is a pressure point.  Squeeze that portion right below the bone.  Hold your head down a little, kind of a like a relaxing position. After about five minutes it should be fine.

  2. Usually I just take a tissue and roll it up like in a cylindrical shape and then just stick it up your nose and it should stop bleeding.  

  3. Tilt you head back and with two fingers squeeze the top of your nose. Since you said you nose bleeds every day and night make sure to stay well hydrated and away from too much heat.  

  4. pinch your nose closed. it could be sinuses or allergies. have you seen a dr. cause it should not bleed that often. i'd get it checked out.

  5. hold your head back and hold the ridge of your nose

  6. drink lots of water to keep from drying your nose out.

    maybe put some vaseline in there

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