
How do you stop personnel racism?

by Guest60586  |  earlier

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i have a white friend who is racist. how do you stop being racist?




  1. exposure and life experience. we all start with lots of prejudices most of which we get from immediate family and friends. some are imposed and reinforced by the culture.

    i think that racism springs from a misguided believe that others who are not of the same race are somehow inferior. oftentimes it is a device to shift blame onto the others for our own shortcomings and failures. so, it is easy to say, that someone else got ahead because they got special treatment. or to say that some is bad because it's in the blood or culture.

    your friend can only learn by himself or herself that there are good and bad in every race and that you can't judge someone by their race. but like any "ism" which is a fundamental belief to that person, trying to rationally convince them is often not possible. these are emotionally deep rooted matters, logic does not go there. if you are a friend maybe the best you can do is not tolerate it when he or she expresses the racism and gently remind them that they are talking nonsense.  

  2. You can't control the ideas or thoughts of an individual.  You can control behavior by threats of punishment (that would be the law).    All you can do is be a positive influence.  That is it.

  3. racism starts with pet peeves, leading to anger, which ultimately leads to hatred.

    we know that there are differences. like dog and cat. there are obviously differences. however... to form an opinion of which is better depends on the experience of the person while spending time with each.

    so, suppose if the person doesn't like cats cause they scratch too much. you have to some how introduce him to a few cats that don't scratch too much. if you can't find any, then there's really not much you can do cause you can't teach an old dog new tricks. you can only show them.

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