
How do you stop severe nosebleeds in toddlers?

by Guest32827  |  earlier

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My son is two years old and he is quite the bleeder. He has no known blood disorders or anything. He picks his nose and right away he starts bleeding. Its not a small dripping, its more like a flooding of blood that keeps going, kinda like a flowing river. He starts crying hysterically when I try to do anything to stop the bleeding. He does not stay still and he starts screaming, which make the blood literally shoot out of his nose everywhere. I get so frustrated trying to stop his bleeding and his crying and screaming. Any kind of tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.




  1. My child had lots of nose bleeds and I took her to the dr and I received a list of what to do.

    Pinch the nose closed and hold on to it for a while and not let go until I have given it enough time. Dont tilt the head back. Mine used to scream too b/c she was scared, I would just talk to her and sing her a song you know verbally distract her. Ask her about the dolls she liked, toys, what did she want to do later whatever it took.

    After the bleeding stops take a Q tip and put a little bit of vasseline on it and genetly rub it on the inner walls of the nose.That stops it from happening it again that day. I usually do it when the air is really dry to prevent her from having one.

    I was also told by the dr. to give her saline drops in her nose. My child is 4 and we have been doing this for about 2 years now.

    I hope this helped

  2. Treat the cause and you will no longer have symptoms.

      Your child is bleeding because of an alergic reaction to sugar.  Processed sugar.  Man made sugar is so letal, it has killed all humans.

    Nature produces natural sugar in fruits and veggies that benefits the human body.  Manufactured sugar fries the brain.  If you want your child to stop nose bleeding, only feed him live food.  Manufactured food is dead.

    Your child has now required of you a strict diet of only fresh food.  Fastfood, ready made food, sugar and bad water will injure any human body.  Your child's immune system is weak.  Eat fresh food and you boost your son's immune system so he is desease resistant.

    You are the leader here, you lead by example to your child.  If you nuture bad habits, your son will follow in your footsteps.

      You are just like a horse trainer.  Your spirit is the trainer and the human body is the horse. Horses love to race.  Horses love to be trained.  

    Dairy products not coming from the mother's breast are full of hormones and chemicals that injure the brain as well.  Beware of what you ingest, what your son ingest.  You become what you eat. Your body may not appreciate what you feed it.  

    Since you do not put sugar in your gas tank, why do you put sugar in your bellie !

  3. A cold, wet compress on the back of the neck sometimes helps to stop the bleeding or ease it. Then you should try to pinch his nostrils shut for 10 mins. He should not blow his nose afterwards.

    The above is for when he has them. You may want to invest in a humidifier in case the dry air may be causing his problems and making his nose more susceptible to bleeding.

    If this does not help, then, I recommend taking him to the ER when he has one. They can check things out and see if he needs a procedure done to lessen the frequency of the nosebleeds. My cousin ended up having it done when he was young.

    The best thing that you should do is remain calm. Talk to him in a calm way. Get the compress and tell him it will make him feel better. The moment that you begin to lose control will only serve to heighten his anxiety. If you cannot do this, as my aunt could not, then you're best bet is finding a friend who has some basic first aid skills. My aunt drove to our house so my mom, who was an EMT, could care for my cousin and to stop the nosebleeds.

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