
How do you stop the Indians from freeloading off the Govt and taxpayers?

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How do you stop the Indians from freeloading off the Govt and taxpayers?




  1. Let em open casinos on every block!!

    Wait.....never mind.

  2. I think having their lands stolen entitles them to repayment from the goverment. Although I guess if the goverment took what you owned and  moved you someplace else that would ok. right?

  3. let them live their lives but they should pay taxes if the live work or shop off the rez

  4. Well, for starters, try giving them a better education and allowing them some economic opportunities. And trying to cure chronic problems with alcoholism would be nice too.

  5. Eliminate the Fu@king BIA and make the government return all the funds that the BIA misappropriated. over the last 100 years. There should be several hundred billion US Dollars in a lock-box investment program that the BIA made disappear. The interest  income from a simple passbook savings account would be enough to give everyone of us Indians who have a roll number more than a quarter of a million a year to live on! SO where is  our Trust funds AZZWIPE?

  6. Quit hiding their foodstamps and welfare checks inside their workboots.

  7. I see some answers are related to American Indians.  I thought this was a Canadian site only.

    In Canada, your question proves you have no idea of our history.  The very land you and your family live on was obtained by the federal government thru treaty negotiations.

    First Nation people negotiated certain conditions when they handed over their land.  I can't remember them all, but here are some of them:

    1.Land to be set aside as a Reserve and the size would be based on the number of people officially considered as members of that band. Every Reserve established in Canada NEVER received their alloted amount of land.  Even to-day, various bands are negotiating the amount owed to them by the federal government. Over the years the federal government even sold and transferred existing Reserve lands to non native people without the knowledge of the various bands.  Those lands taken illegally are also owed to various bands.

    2. All health costs will be paid by the government.

    3. All education costs will be paid by federal government.  Since the late 60's many First Nation people were obtaining university degrees, some with more than one degree, some with a Master's degree and a few with Ph.D's.  By the 1980's the federal government changed the rules by stating that only one degree would be paid for.  Anything beyond that, the individual First Nation person would pick up the cost. When those treaties were first signed, the government didn't expect First Nation people to get beyond public school! So they became alarmed when the costs of higher education became a reality in the 80's.  Go figure.

    4. Housing would be a responsibility of the government.

    5. All social programs including recreation, would be paid by the government.

    6. Business development would be assisted by the government.

    7. Administration costs to bands and tribal councils would be paid by the federal government.

    There are probably more areas under government jurisdiction, but I believe I've made my point.  First Nation people gave YOU and your FAMILY the privilege of purchasing land in Canada thru the Treaties.  Those treaties include all of the above items currently being paid to them by the federal government as legal recognition of giving up their lands.

    You really need to do some research and get off this very meagre information kick that seems to be dictating your lack of knowledge.

  8. I agree with John, give them back the land the US government and taxpayers stole from them!

  9. Give them their lands back?

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