
How do you stop thinking about someone when everything reminds you of them. ?

by  |  earlier

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My ex broke up with me, and I wasn't ready for it. Now I really need to get over him because I'm apparently really clingy because I can't let go of him. I think about him all the time, I just want to stop...but everything reminds me of him. How am I supposed to get over him. You can say cut everything off, but that just doesn't work. I am SO lost.




  1. Try going out with friends. Friends always takes my mind off my ex.

    And we didnt even break up with a fight. We broke up because she moved away. Which is harder.

    So friends is the only solution in my opinion. Friends and TIME.



  2. The best advice I can give is...

    Stay close to friends

    Go out have fun,

    Act crazy,

    give it time!

    Just make sure your doing things with people who are close to you & make you laugh, smile & have a good time!

    delete his number, throw pics, burn his stuff.

    Just remember there are other guys out there.

  3. The best way to get over someone is to move on; find someone else.  It's not very healthy, but it feels better than moping around all the time.  Eventually you'll need to learn to be content, maybe even happy, with being single, but a quick fling can treat symptoms in the short term.  (Kinda like taking Robitussin: it doesn't cure your cold, but it helps your cough and sore throat) ;)

  4. Sorry

    Theres no way

    Give it time

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