
How do you stop when going downhill on skis?

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How do you stop when going downhill on skis?




  1. yes it is possible. if u want to stop in left direction just shift ur weight to right ski and pess the heels of your left ski. you will stop in {J} position.

  2. Wedge if you're new.  If you really don't know how to stop, do us all a favor and take somes lessons.

  3. Pull a Bono. Hit a tree, you'll stop pretty fast.

    Yep, Sonny. He took tree-hugging a step too far.

    BTW- Hockey stops are the most efficient. It's a matter of skier weight & momentum vs. the resistance of the two skis base surface perpendicular to fall-line and angled into the slope.  

    Geez, I'm no physicist...   ...that's jibberish for rotate sideways and lean your knees into the hill.  The whole bottoms of your skis act as brakes.

    Slap me if I rant like that again...

  4. what you do, to not look like a tourist, is you need to pop your ankles so that they are turned 90 degrees, so you are facing the trees.

  5. Avi....that would be SONNY Bono, right?...Not the 48 year-old self-righteous Irishman.

  6. Try your best not to "snowplow" (turning your skis into a wedge) because it will make it harder later on to learn how to ski right.  Just make big "S" shaped turns all the way down the hill.  That will keep your speed low so that you can hopefully just coast to a stop if you need to.

    When i taught my friend last year how to ski for the first time, i told him this and his third time up we took him down a black diamond and he did fine.  Still fell a lot, but did fine.  Later you can learn to "Hockey Stop" better, but S turns are a good way to learn that.

    Oh, and most importantly, if worst comes to worst and you get out of control and are going too fast for your comfort, you can always fall.  I told my friend that if he got scared to sit down and keep his poles out to his side so they didnt jab into him.  It might not be the most fun thing to do, but its a h**l of a lot better than running into a tree...or a big fat grumpy old dude.

  7. Get some lessons!

    If you don't know how to stop, you shouldn't be on skis

  8. Beginners are taught make their skis into a wedge and dig their edges into the ground to stop.  More advanced skiers have better balance and  just throw their skis perpendicular to the hill (hockey stop).

  9. Turn your skiis across the hill and steer them more uphill until you stop. This works, unless you are on a slope too steep for your ability.  If that is the case, take a set of lessons from a qualified professional instructor,

  10. When you are going down hill you have three options

    1. push out your heels to make wedge will plow snow making friction that brings you to a stop. This good for beginners to learn how to control their speed.

    2. Dig your edges in to the hill and push your heels downhill and it will stop you. This is known as a hockey stop.

    3.You take your body and hurl it towards a fluffy soft surface called powder snow. Also called the soft stop (fall).

  11. stay on the greens and stay slow.

    If you have to just lay it down instead of getting out of control

  12. untill you know how to stop, don;t do downhills.

    However if you must insist on doing downhills then stop however you can, some people say that snowplow is wrong but if it stops you then ok, if you can do hockey  stop, doing S turns is wrong as S turns are slalom not downhill

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