
How do you stop wood lice and mice getting into your house?

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How do you stop wood lice and mice getting into your house?




  1. I got a cat. The problem is she brings mice in as a gift and lets them go in the house. Alive!

  2. you need to fill all the holes you can find with wire wool and then foam expander mice will travel a long pipe work so if you have a loft start there and block any holes coming down then work your way through the house till you have blocked them all i have done this for a couple of people and it has worked good luck trust me this will work

  3. You won,t. Cats will stop mice getting out but not getting in. in fact I think cats invite them in for a bit of fun

  4. Looks like you have an entry point somewhere. If you have raised wooden floors over a damp earth foundation, it is very hard to stop them unless you can stop every hole and gap. Buy a can of expanding foam and plug any hole if you can find them. But mice can gnaw their way through the foam. Try one of those electronic gadgets that are supposed to keep them away.

  5. almost impossible - get a cat - and spray all inner wood services

  6. GOD hasn't given us the answer to that yet. He wants all of his creatures to be happy.

    Try the steel wool, sprays and cat in the mean time.

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