
How do you stop your breath smelling bad permantantly?

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my breath always smells ,i don't smoke or drink.i brush my teeth and use mouthwash and also i drink boiled water, so please don't give me any of the above answers!!




  1. Could it be your throat?  Sometimes people have pits in their tonsils that harbour bacteria.  Gargling can help if that's the problem.  I suffered from glandular fever as a teenager and it has left my tonsils with crevices in them, and bacteria builds up causing a nasty niff.  The only solution I've found is to use a gargle like Oraldene twice a day.  The only other option is to have them taken out (if that is the problem, it might not be).

    Bad breath can also be caused by diet or having a constant nasal problem like an allergy, or cold, or a chest infection.

  2. the right treatment can come from knowing what is the source of the problem. consult your dentist to find out the cause of your bad breath. other sources of bad breath can be:

        *  Pneumonia

        * Chronic Sinus Infections

        * Postnasal Drip

        * Bronchitis

        * Diabetes

        * Severe Acid Reflux

        * Kidney Disease

        * Liver Disease

  3. brush your tongue to get the germs off and that should work. also chew mint flavored gum for backup

  4. have you teeth out

  5. Taking general care of your teeth is great but watch your general diet as well that can also affect bad breath. You could have gum disease or even salivary glands that are infected despite general brushing. Do you floss and have regular check ups with your dentist, because they would be able to tell you whats going on with your mouth. Do you brush twice a day and mouth wash after every meal? This can help as well, because bits of food left in our mouths can also cause bad breath. How often do you change your toothbrush, in a recent study they found if you had your toothbrush with in 1 meter of the toilet you might as well be cleaning the toilet with your brush because not many people put the lid down to flush and millions of unseen partials take to the air and land on your toothbrush! Especially if you are living with anyone else!! Then its double the amount of bacteria in the air near and on your toothbrush! Sometimes illness and infected tonsils can give you bad breath. Why not make an appointment with either a dentist or oral hygienist or you GP!

  6. it sounds like yhou have an infection in yhour gums, go 2 yhour dentist and tell him, there is this mouthwash yhou can yhou to that will help called corsodyl try using that x

  7. there are lots of bad breath causes in the list like dirty mouth, lack of oral hygiene, dry mouth, medications, cavities, gum disease, medications and other related illness especially in the stomach. the best thing to do to be able to eliminate bad breath is to be able to determine the cause of it, and be able to know what can prevent it as well as the appropriate treatments for it. seek the help of dental expert. he may find the answer to your quest for bad breath eliminators.

    know that chewing gums and mints can add up to the bad breath problem since they have sugar. try using an all natural oral care for it does contain sugar for bad bacteria to feed on and speed up production. keep your mouth salivated and hydrated by drinking adequate amount of water. for more tips to get rid of bad breath visit

  8. brush your tongue twice a day, i know its bizzare but it works, also suck mints dont chew them !

  9. Do you eat a lot of dairy produce, i.e. milk, cheese etc?

    The smell could be coming from your stomach.  This is called Halitosis.

    Try cutting dairy out of your diet.  There are great soya replacements out there.  When you drink milk it also produces a lot of thick flegm - which isn't nice.  Soya milk does not.

    Also, try and drink plenty of fresh water daily.  At least 2-3 litres a day is recommended.

  10. it could be certain things you eat or an infection see a dentist immeadiatly

  11. chewing gum.

  12. Pull out your gums, teeth, and tongue. Bingo. Of course you won't be able to talk...hehe

  13. you need to get some kind of laser surgery that remove cells that cause permanent bad breath

    it's not your fault those cells are just there in some people

    contact uour dentist, by the way these surgeries could be quite expensive

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