
How do you stop your child from being abusive towards you?

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my daughter always hits,punches,kicks,slaps me when i dont let her have her way like her grandparents do. her father and i dont know what to do we feel lost and its is only me she does the to i dont know how to fix her behavior she is seven and we also have a six month old boy as well can that be the issue?




  1. f*ckin beat the sh*t outta her, u gave life to her, she isnt suppose to be doing that. u give her everything, show her how it feels to get beatin up on, she shouldnt be disrespecting u like that, if i did that to my parents, they would do as i said, especially at that age

  2. She probably thinks you're a pushover or something. Tell your husband to scold her, and she'll learn.

  3. She is obviously in need of punishment. If she kicks you, or does anything physical to you, tell her "that's not okay" very sternly and spank her or send her to her room. She need to learn to respect you if you say "no," and that she doesn't always get her way. No, it is not your son. As her parents you need to teach her to be more respectful and respect your decisions. Go with any method that works for you. Send her to her room, spank her, or take something valuable away. Do NOT give her what she wants unless you are okay with it. After you give her punishment talk to her about why you punished her and why whatever she did was "not okay" be  loving but also very stern.

    Good luck! :) Don't give up on her, because she will learn eventually. You should also teach her to ask nicely for things.

  4. Ok, that was rude.....anyway, to answer your first have to ask yourself, are you really ready to do what it takes to fix the problem? You have to be consistant!

    If her grandparents are letting her do what she wants then maybe it's time to put some distance between them. You can't teach her good behavior then let her spend time with people that won't back you up.

    You have to stand up to her, and put your foot down hard! Start by trying to find out what triggers this, and how are you reacting when she behaves this way? Hitting her will only anger her more if she is having anger issues. And you have to think about your son in the big picture. Do you want him to grow up seeing that this is how we treat Mommy? There are so many questions, and so many answers. I can't tell you exactly what to do, but you need some backup. You ever watch the Nanny show, I see those time outs working wonders, if you use them right. And it takes a lot of patience to change behavior that has gone on this long. But you have got to stop it now!

    Do some research on the computer, there is tons of good information out there, without resorting to child abuse!

    Good luck!

  5. i gotta agree with samuel. beat the living c**p outta her.

  6. be stearn with her dont let her push you around

  7. if i did that when i waz young my mom would have beat the c**p out of me!!!

  8. If she is seriously doing this, you need to stop it. If you go back at her physically, she will just see that this is accepted by you. take away all of the privelleges she has until she finally realizes that this kind of behavior is not okay. if this continues, you may go to a proffesional for help, ut by all means DO NOT ABUSE HER IN RETURN! THIS IS CHILD ABUSE, THAT IS ILLEGAL!!

  9. call Nanny 911!

  10. take her to some sort of doctor to be analyzed.

  11. OH GOSH !!   BUCK THE FU*K UP AND WHOOP HER AZZ!!!  You are the d**n parent and you shouldnt be afriad to beat your child's azz everytime they step out of line !!!  Your husband should be the main one to do this. My parents did it to me everytime i got out of line and i thank them for it till this day. You wont hurt your child by disciplining them. The next time your daughter does this, you go up side her d**n head and show her who is boss!! And dont certainly listen to the woman who tells you to not hit her because it will make her more angry. It will also make her scared to cross the line again and will give you the respect that you deserve. Please whoop your kid, if you dont start now, you will have a very troubled teen on your hand years later.

    And dont listen to these weak azz parents on here that are telling you to send them to a doctor ( money out your pocket for something you can do yourself). That will solve nothing. When that child fills your power and authority, they will not think twice about doing what they did anymore trust me. I learned from first hand experience.

  12. Show her whos the boss. am a teen but I agree wit the first answer beat the S**t outta her.

  13. Just send her to a shrink..

    doctors always help,, :P

  14. take the things she likes the most that is soposed to teach her it works sometimes or take the door to her room away for two months and every time she acts up start the two month all over till she has two months of good behavior.

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