
How do you stop yourself from binge eating?

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I used to have an eating disorder. I was able to control my intake of food so well and got really thin and then gradually it became better whereby I began to eat well and exercise well etc so I became healthy. Over time this then turned into binge eating and then starving and I cant seem to stop it. I am totally sickend by my inability to control myself and although I am not 'obese' I feel very overweight and my weight fluctuates but within a reasonable range I am told. Part of me knows I am not too fat in the sense that I starve myself to get back to a normalish weight but I cant seem to have the control to maintain a weight I am comfortable with and can happyily stay on. I lost this power to control my intake and so I binge eat and then panic and starve myself until I see a result.

I cant keep living like this. How has anyone got over this cycle? Does anyone understand this and have any advice for me? Thanks




  1. when ever you need to eat chew gum or drink some coffee or sugerfree soft drink. if you binge eat once then starve yourself it will only get worse.

  2. There are three things I want you to consider....

    First, you may not be eating enough food.  And (or) you may not be eating foods that really nourish you.  And (or)  your inner ecosystem may be lacking in a FULL range of probiotics and enzymes.  And no, even the best yogurt on the shelf at the grocery does not have them all, (and only those marked "LIVE cultures can be expected to have any live cultures at all).  It is part of modern life, and some of us are more susceptible to imbalances than others.  

    If your body isn't extracting enough nutrition from food, whether because you aren't eating enough, you aren't eating enough really nutritious food, or you aren't digesting/absorbing it properly, you will experience cravings at a very deep level.  If this is happening, your body is actually trying to save your life by these cravings.  But before you try to binge again, think about learning how easy it is to provide your body with good-tasting, healing and satisfying foods, and everything they need for proper digestion and assimilation.  It is a bit of a learning curve, but taken step-by-step, you can make significant changes.  

    You can eat foods that are rich in enzymes and healthy biotics (bacteria and other microbes).  You can use regular foods and superfoods. You can use helpful supplements to help you as you learn to eat a little differently.   There are two aerobic yeasts that are hugely important to the body (one helps us make vitamin B-12.  The other thing it does is it kills the bad overgrowth of Candida yeast...this will make you ravenous all the time.  So will parasites, by the way.) See to start.  I also recommended a book, below, called "Green for Life."  The delicious solution to eating more greens that Victoria Boutenko came up with provides such deeply satisfying nutrition that most people find their hunger/cravings disappear and a wonderfully feeling of peace and satisfaction seems to go hand in hand with increasing minerals, phytonutrients and chlorophyll in her delicious smoothies.

    Second, there is an organization called the Pfeiffer Treatment Center that has had some success dealing with anorexia/eating disorders.  Apparently, there may be an underlying biochemical imbalance that is driving your symptoms.  I've done extensive reading on various researchers in the area of metabolic imbalances, and some people simply need to eat in certain ways, and take certain supplements, in order to keep their body and mind on an even keel.  Yes, the mind!

    Interestingly, some people's bodies fluctuate in and out of different ends of the imbalance spectrum over their monthly cycles and some even vary throughout the day.  Improved mental and physical health - sometimes dramatic - can be achieved by identifying your imbalance, if you have one, and eating and supplementing at the right times to correct it.  

    Third, though I'm not sure that this is all there is to your cravings, any kind of addictive behavior may have its roots in and/OR be nurtured by feelings of lack of control in some area of your life.  When people engage in addictive behaviors (eating, purging, shopping, s*x, drugs, etc) it may be a way of gaining control or distracting away from something too painful to look at.  Dealing with things directly is an important part of releasing yourself from psychologically-driven behaviors.  That said, though, there are accounts and case studies of people whose addictions ceased when their metabolic imbalances were dealt with.  So try to look at both the physical and the psychological areas, to make sure you don't leave any stones unturned.  

    Imbalances - what causes them?  I'm not sure of all the possible causes, but I do know that our environment and food supply are often culprits when we are sick.  I think it is important to everyone to find ways to get rid of toxins like heavy metals and pesticides/herbicides that have entered your body through various routes.   Including foods like miso soup, cilantro, homemade sauerkrauts and pickles is one way to help pull out toxins.    Raw animal fat is said to be a very, very safe way to accomplish this, especially when combined with raw honey, which is rich in enzymes and is able to release sugars slowly into the body, keeping your blood sugar stable and your cravings at a minimum.  Think honey and butter, ceviche, steak tartare.  It is easy to buy raw butter in California, I believe, from Organic Pastures.  It is very expensive to have them ship it.  You should be able to find local sources of raw milk at the references below.  It is easy to buy a gallon of raw milk, let the cream rise to the top for a day or so, suck it out of the jug with a nice turkey baster (Walmart has one that comes with two tips and a "bottle" brush), and put the cream in a blender to churn it into butter. Once it gets big lumps, strain it through thin muslin (unbleached fabric or special "butter muslin" from an online cheesemaking company), c

  3. WOW...this is incredibly weird....i had exactly the same thing...i know this isnt going to be the answer to your question....but i soon realised that my binge habits were incredibly i was starving myself....just to get fat again!!....

    i was able to get over this getting my mom to tell me when im over eating....or someone else!! definatly took a lot of effort...but i would force myself to control my intake....i would think before i ate.....i usually thought to myself "well if i eat this...its not gonna make a differrence".....but that is EXACTLY what my triggger was!! i was elighted to find out that....if you dont start the wont ever spiral out of control....

    right not any better....i dont eat breakfast or lunch....but...only because its the only way i feel in control....i almost can come to the conclusion taht i dont trust myself.!....i cant even have a tiny bit of bread without worrying!!!

    i hope this gave you some clues....but i mainly answered...just becasue it was such a iv had exactly the same problem

    sorry for the waffle :S

    all the best....honestly

    i really hope you can over come this!!!!!! as you will love the results in the end...and feel so much better and healthier






  4. If sounds as if the eating disorder you once had is trying to make its way back, you cant let it. You need to have control over something so you chose to take control over your food, but remember you dont control anorexia, anorexia controls you, and if you need to control something, control your eating disorder before if comes back full and although you may be looking forward to being thin you probably have that memory relapse most people do when their disorder is trying to come back, you probably forgot how miserable and depressing it was, too weak to move, too self conscious to go anywhere, you dedicated your life to the illness and what did you get back in return? Nothing but depression. Seek help before things worsen. After all whats the point in being thin if your just not happy with life?

  5. five steps that you can start implementing into your daily life so that you do not binge eat. The first step is to feel deserving of yourself. You need to feel that you are worthy enough to change your binge eating habits. Only after you do this and improve your self-esteem can you win the war over Binge Eating Disorder.

    The second step is to throw out all foods in your house that you like to binge on. Remember, if the food is not readily available to you, it will be harder to binge eat. This also applies to going grocery shopping - When you don’t purchase items that you might binge eat, it will be easier to conquer a binge while you are at home. You want to make it as hard as you can.

    The third step is to buy a journal. In your journal, you are going to record all binges and what feelings were present during the binge. Record all details including the time, day, what you ate, how much you ate, and how you felt before and after the binge. Journaling is a great tool because this will provide insight to you as to why you turn to food like you do. This will help to narrow down your binges so that you will be able to see any similarities that happen when you binge eat.

    The fourth step is to find a way to relax yourself. This is most important to do when you feel a binge coming on. Relaxation is very important in clearing your mind and turning away from the binge. Listen to nice, classical music, take a warm bubble bath, pamper yourself, go for a walk on a nice day, mediate, or picture yourself somewhere else where binge eating isn’t a part of your life. Another thing that you can do for relaxation is to go for a nice drive. Perhaps you live by the ocean or a lake. Maybe you have some great scenic roads. Just remember not to take any money with you and try not to drive by anywhere that has food. You want to make the binge go away and you don’t want to be tempted to give in.

    The fifth and final step to stopping yourself from binge eating is to talk about it. Talk to a friend or anyone else that you can trust about how you are feeling. If you are upset, vent your frustrations out to them. Just having someone listen will be very helpful to you. You will feel that a weight has been lifted from you after you get everything off of your chest.

  6. you need a hobbie that your passionate about,and you wont have much desire for that c**p anymore

  7. how about just not keeping food in the house, that way when you want it you cant have it. only buy the enough food to eat for the immediate future?

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