
How do you strike harder with your fists?

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I'm told technique = power but also I have to throw hundereds a day my hardest and fastest for a couple months to create muscle memory...

is this true?


What muscles togather make a hit more severe?




  1. Legs... work your legs for stronger punches.... work your body movement and explosiveness, teach yourself to shift your bodyweight into your strike. Practice the falling step, and exploding your power into your target.

  2. my boxing coach used to tell me "its not the size of your fist but the power you put into it" so will the proper stance and training you can knock any man down. Put all the power of your mind and body into that one punch..visualize your target going down and for sure you will gain the most strength.

  3. For your straight right punch (cross) make sure when you punch that your toes, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and knuckles are all along a straight line pointed at the target.  That is, if you dropped a line straight down from each of those points to the floor, they would all fall on a straight line that pointed directly at what you are trying to hit.  If something is out of alignment, power will escape and your punch will not be as strong as it could be.  After your rear foot pivots into position, push with the lower leg to twist the hip and shoulders into the punch.  At the moment of impact, everything should be lined up.

    For the left hook, rotation is the key.  Set on your back foot and rotate your front foot, which will cause the body to rotate.  The body should lead the punch.

    Practice on the heavybag.  If you are "pushing" the bag, it is because something is not lined up correctly.  A proper punch will "snap" the bag.  Have someone watch to see if you are pushing the bag (or video yourself).

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