
How do you strip paint from plastic Warhammer models?

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Okay, so my boyfriend and I are into Warhammer, him with the building and me with the painting, and I'd like to redo the paint job for his Tyranids. He's done at least two primer jobs and two paint jobs on each model so the paint's filled in the fine detail areas. Most of them are plastic, and some of them are metal. How do I strip the paint from the models without ruining them since he loves them so much?




  1. A good place to start is your local hardware store or model shop. They'll tell you that "Simple Green" or brake fluid works the best, but if you're on a lower budget, meths works very well, especially for metal models.

    Just let the model sit in the liquid for a while (generally over 24 hours) and take out and scrub gently with a toothbrush. Never use acetone, paint stripper (go figure) or turps as they will destroy the model. Brake fluid doesn't destroy the glue either, so it's a good all-round choice. See the link below for a comprehensive list of removers and their effects. Hope this helps!

  2. Phoenix Precision Paints does a product call SuperStrip that's especially formulated for the removal of paint from plastic models.  They're UK-based.

    If you're in the US, then there's a product called "Simple Green" that's intended as a heavy-duty de-greaser for engine parts which serves very well: leave to soak overnight and brush away with a soft toothbrush the next morning.

    Alternatively, you can apparently use brake fluid.  I looked into this a while ago, though, and couldn't work out which of the thousand different types of brake fluid I was supposed to use.

  3. you paint over them with black paint.. and start painting over it again.. wouldnt want to wreck those tyrants..


    P.S. you sound like a good team.. so if you paint and he builds.. who plays with them?

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