
How do you strip paint off the skirting board?

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Does anyone know the best way to strip paint off the skirting board - there must be about 4 or 5 coating on them - the house is over 100 years old. If you use a chemical does it take long - if you use a power gun does it take lone - the room is 13 by 14, box room with a chimney breast. I have noticed in there is a black tarry paint underneath the white paint on the boards where it has chipped or broken. Would very much apprecate some help here as I have never done it before and I want it looking professional not a slap up job.




  1. Gas blow lamp quickest and cleanest, but not ideal in the hands of a DIYer.

    Hot air gun next best option.  Buy a shave hook to use with it.

    If you are repainting afterwards then just rub down after burning off.  Electric palm sander ideal.

    If you are varnishing then use a paint stripper (messy) like nitromorse and wire wool to get the last bits of or to get into mouldings where you couldn't get in with the hot air gun and shave hook.  Ideally thogh, try not to get involved with paint stripper/nitromorse.

  2. why do you need to strip the paint,just prime the bits that have chipped then undercoat then gloss

  3. go to a B&Q and get NITROMORS paint and varnish remover,good stuff

  4. hire a professional and pay him the professional wage stop trying to get something for nothing...  

  5. as  it is a relatively small room, the easiest way would be just to replace the skirting. i am currently in the process of sanding and painting the skirting in the whole of my house and i am slowly losing the will to live. lol

  6. use paint thinner.... well ask the home depot peeps just to be sure!


  7. Use a hot air gun or blow torch to take the majority of the paint off. Then use a liquid stripper to take off the rest, nitromors is the strongest and most easily available stripper you can get.

  8. use a light sandpaper and a laquer thinner, you will want to pull the trim off all the way to be 100% effective

  9. nitromorse is quite good and it don't take long. slap it on and leave for a few Min's then scrape off. should take about 4 coats off at once.

  10. You will need Nitromors..

    Ensure the room is well ventilated as the smell can be very strong..

    Apply as it says on the tin.Dont over spread.

    Make sure you mask off the edges of the floor also to prevent any accidental damage and also drips ..

    When you have stripped it all back use an 80grit sandpaper and give it a really good rubbing down.Follow that with a 60 grit then a 40 grit.This will ensure the wood is as smooth as possible.

    You can  then varnish or repaint as you see fit..End result.?....Perfect finish.

  11. Use a heat gun and be prepared for this to take a long time - be patient.

    If you want a real pro finish - remove the skirting boards and get them dipped.

    Re-fix using grip-fill.

  12. No easy way dude - what ever method you choose - it is going to to be a pain in bum.

    Points to note -

    Hot air gun is OK BUT - the smell of burning paint is choking at times AND - the old paint may contain lead.

    Second point - you will have to remove the carpet - so it doesn't catch fire.

    Paint stripping chemicals - can be good but takes 5 - 15 mins to saok thru the paint layers and it can dry out really quickly.

    Then there are the fumes from it and the fact that it can burn your skin - it is basically acid in gel form.

    It will take you the best part of a whole day to do that room properly.

    Alternatively - you can fill the holes or marks where the paint has chipped off - allow to dry and sand down all the boards and put a heavy undercoat and topcoat on.

    To be honest - I was in a similar situation many years ago and it trnd out cheaper to rip the skirting off and put new ones on.

    The choice I'm afraid is yours

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