
How do you study for test on medical vocabulary?

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I am taking a course that intends to know all these diffrent medical terms.




  1. I created a study actually writing out each word and helped me review....I typed on computer and made courtesy copies for classmates....I did have to put a disclaimer on the bottom of paper to say I printed a copy for helpful study guide and not responsible for any misinterpretations....(in other words, cannot be held accountable if someone got a bad grade using my guide).

    I also broke the words into syllables...and gave each meaning.

    Ex; car/di/ology= study of the heart

    I gave simple explanations.....

    I had med terminology in college, and will be having to retest for this soon myself.  Also I put most commonly used suffixes into a column and meanings.....because as you know, the suffix is actually the beginning word when you read terms backwards.

    So if you break down each word.....cardio.....heart...ology study of....I found that is easiest.    Good luck!

  2. Flash cards, Flash Cards, Flash Cards.  That is about the only way you will learn the vocab.

  3. I agree about the flashcards

  4. I found that multicolored gel pens were really helpful on flashcards. For example, if I needed to learn multiple systems for the same test then I would use different colors.  Digestive vocab might be green with the definition in a darker green or yellow.  Then cardiac vocab might be in red with the definition in pink.  It really helped me keep things straight in my head.  Good luck!

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