
How do you study????

by  |  earlier

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like, which method works the best for you?




  1. it depends on that specific person like me i have to study with some one so they can help me understand and i can help them understand

  2. This method was always tried and true for me. First be alone! Turn off your music, your TV, all the distracting c**p. Next, READ the chapters of which you were studying. Don't skip around or half-*** it, really read it. Then after you read it, do the study questions at the end of the chapter/chapters, or just someway test yourself on what you just read. If you write it down the old fashioned way with pen/pencil and paper you're 75% more likely to retain the material. If the grade is important to you, TAKE YOUR TIME! I will almost GUARANTEE that anything you write down, you will remember. Really, try this method and see if it helps you at all. I'd like to know what you think

  3. it varys per person. I find it works well to have some red bull, and work in a quiet room with some soothing music on. Keeps me concentrated, non sleepy and determined
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