
How do you style hair for an 80's look?

by Guest66984  |  earlier

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I want hair like john mayer or david henrey. They have a spiked 80's hair look. I know its spiked up in the front, but it has to be more than that, because when i spike my hair with just gel it looks different, kinda crappy. please let me know.




  1. go to the salon and tell them that you want the "flock of seagulls" haircut. the girls will swoon, i promise.

  2. I would probably get one of those "Farrah Fawcett" hairstyles which were popular on girls when I was in high school in the mid-80's. She set the style for an entire generation of mall-chicks. Here is a typical page from my high school yearbook (1986). Actually, both boys and girls tended to have the same style!

  3. use alot of hairspray and backcomb it as much as possible! =]

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