
How do you support childrens play and communication development in billingual and multicultural settting?

by Guest67324  |  earlier

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How do you support childrens play and communication development in billingual and multicultural settting?




  1. when my children were very young, teachers discouraged to talked to them in our language, unfortunately both can only speak English and do not understand about their roots.all children should be encouraged to talk bilingually. it does not confuse them and they learn  to be bilingual as well better understanding of multicultural environment.

  2. Look up in NVQ, CACHE or diploma course handbooks: It gives you ideas, theroist etc that you can take your answer from.

    Also look up books on Equal Opportunities.

    Sites such Mantra Lingua show resources that can be used.

    Also National Care Standards and government sites such as Sure Start!

  3. u use things like ethnic dolls, black chinese etc

    read books that are written in different languages, u can buy dual language books (english and gudjurati/hindu etc) and ones that contain stories about different cultures, travellers/forgein countries/ppl with disablities etc

    do activites that involve cooking different foods from different countries, encourage paretns to come and help and explain things from their culture.

    celebrate different festivals such as diwali and chinese new year (make red envelopes etc)

    add clothes from different cultures in the dressing up box chinese dresses sahris clogs etc

    sing songs in differnt languages

    get them to answer the register in different ways and languages, even 2 year olds can answer wee/jasi etc

    hope that helps a little bit!

  4. Are you working on a CDA or something like it? If so, do your own work please.

  5. Do you mean how do you support children who come from a diferent culture ??

    My children are billingula as am I.

    Now I am confused??

    You support children's play as you would in any culture or language- play is how children learn and they need to experience all sorts of activities.

  6. Provide toys that appeal to all to children.  Instead of having toys and book with people, use animals; animals are not typically associated with a race.   If you are going to read a book about people, make sure there are people of different races protrayed in it in a non-stereotypical way.   When doing small group work, try not to segregate children by language or culture.   Encourage children to play with children that are not from the same culture.

  7. what the h**l does that mean?

    that is never your question, you copied that from some politically correct wannabee

    decipher it and ask it in words that make sense.


  8. do your own homework

  9. Have a main language and this is the 'official' language.  The others will be second and third etc.

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