
How do you support childrens <span title="communication,intellectual">communication,intellectua...</span> development and learning?

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How do you support childrens communication,intellectua... development and learning?




  1. I&#039;m not sure what you expect for an answer- lal I can tall you is that to bring children up they need to be talked to , respected, loved, and shown a variety of things.

    When my children were small we used to go on day trips to places and visited meuseums, national trust houses, places of interest historical places- such as castles ect.  We talked to them about the places- history is best experiencing by visiting and seeing historical stuff - it makes more sense.

    We encouraged reading when in London we gave the children underground rail maps and told them to look out for the stations we were getting off at-I think above all we tried to make learning fun and interesting.

    We answered their questions when we could.  ( LOL children do ask the most embarassing questions and in the most public places too !!!! )

    I think I am just saying we took an interest in our children and we were interested in their interests and nurtured their interests- hope this help you?????

  2. do your own homework

  3. Be a good parent, spend time with your child, and teach him the things he need to now later in life. Answer the child&#039;s question so that it can understand it. Be his idol, children learn from you.


    Children are individuals and as such will develop communication/language skills at different rates, although they will all go through the same stages. The way in which these skills will develop  will be influenced by their environment.

    As child carers it is vital that you encourage a language rich environment by providing opportunities for children to communicate through planned activities in each area of learning.  This will support children in developing to their full potential.

    It is equally essential to develop good listening skills, this is more than just hearing sounds, it is being able to understand and interpret them too.

    Aspects of the way children think at different ages has an affect on the child’s ability to communicate effectively.

    Piaget defined four cognitive stages of learning

    0-18 months – babies learn about their environment from their senses They are egocentric – they see the world from their own view point.

    2-6/7 years – children use language to express their thoughts.  They are egocentric

    7-11 – children can see things from another point of view – decentring

    11-18+ - children are able to think in their abstract.  (they can work out ideas in their heads).

    The child care practitioner needs to consider the following points:- (when adopting own ways of communicating)

    Cultural and ethnic influences – different body language such as pointing or eye contact

    Dialects and accents – showing respect, positive identity of the child

    Signing – Makaton is now used in many settings where a child has communication difficulties

    Remembering  different family structures – to promote non biased stereotypical ideas/views

    being a good role model

    Respecting the Childs right not to speak on occasions – unhappy, unwell – will need monitoring if this is consistent behaviour

    Relevance of group size when planning activities, child observations.

    There are many ways that children communicate in addition to language.





    Facial expressions


    Leading an adult to something

    Body language.

    As child care practitioners we have to be sensitive to such types of communication and respond.  We need to develop a child’s confidence to move away from these non verbal approaches and develop language skills.

    Some factors may influence communication:

    Opportunities for talking, singing &amp; listening



    Interesting displays

    Stimulating environments

    Role play


    Use appropriate language

    Encourage self expression

    Open ended questions

    Give praise

    Repeat words if not heard/understood.

  5. Look up in NVQ, CACHE or diploma course handbooks: It gives you ideas, theroist etc that you can take your answer from.

    Check out theorists like Piaget, Vgotsky, Sheridan and Froebel!

  6. Books and discussion about everyday things around you and recalling events from the past.

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