
How do you support inclusion in your role as a Teacher Assistant?

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-answer the question according what you know or what you've been experienced.




  1. don't hover over the student

    be there to catch tehm when they falter (loose attention, don't understand)

    integrate yourslef and teh student in the class-don't segregate yourselves

    provide support such as outlines/verbal directions/additional guidance

  2. Know each of your students, not just the ones with a disability but the typical students too.

    If you see a student-regardless of ability having trouble and it looks like they want to give up, then find something they are good at and show them that strength and help them shine and to feel good about themselves, and slowly try to turn their weakness into another strength in a way that doesn't make them feel worse than they already do.

    And let them know you are there to help, don't treat anyone different than you would, no special treatment, everyone is the same despite if they have a disability or not.

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