
How do you suppose animals have the ability to sense our emotions?

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I've always wondered that.. I do know there isn't really any solid proof for this, but I have experienced it first hand so I have to think it's true. My cat was just sitting on my lap dozing off and, being the sensitive sap that I am, I started crying a little reading something that touched me. She jumped off of my lap as if she didn't want to be around me crying. It's just weird cuz there's no way she could have known. Do you think our emotions send out some kind of pulses that only an animal could sense?




  1. I highly believe so.  When I was very ill, my new hubby's dog kept coming to me and wanted to be by my side. She was trying to be very motherly to me.

    Now that we are trying to have a baby, she follows me and stays by me most of the time. I hope she knows something we are not sure of yet.

  2. Yes, I think so. I have had the opposite reaction from my dog when crying.  She comes to me as if she were worried... I am not sure whether it is because of that or she just wants to see why I am acting different, but also my cats seem to come to me as well! As if they know I need comfort... I guess there is no way to really tell, but I think that people don't give animals enough credit!!

  3. pheromones and other chemical stuff

  4. They can tell when we're upset.  A few years ago I had to put our outside dog down.  he was really old and was in bad health.  After I got off the phone with the vet to set up the appointment I started crying.  My pug came running into the room knocked my parent's dachshund out of the way (very roughly I might add) and jumped in my lap and started giving me kisses.  He sat in my lap until after I was able to stop crying and then he stuck to me like glue for the rest of the evening.

  5. Well for one thing, horses can sense you getting nervous or scared when you are riding them, and that makes them nervous and excited too! So I think animals are remarkable how smart they are! And I think there should be no animal haters around because they all are beautiful!

  6. Everytime i'm crying or upset, my dog comes and tries to comfort me. She usually tries to l**k my face and i think it's so cute and sweet!

    Also when i'm sick she always lays with me in my bed and on my lap and stuff :)

  7. Yes, I think they can just sense when we are excited, sad, or mad. You feel differently when you feel those emotions so maybe we just let off a vibe that animals can sense.

  8. I honestly beleive God gave us these creatures with their own emotions and personalities.  They are their own being.  We are just at different levels of feeling and understanding.

  9. The pragmatic side I inherited from my unimaginative dad says they are VERY good at Reading body language and that the way they "sense" emotion...

    My more imaginative side is less sure that the only thing (though that the read body posture is NOT in contention in the mind of anyone working an obedience or agility dog)

  10. It may be a bit "woooowooo" for you, but I do believe

    that the furpeople have held onto the abilities that we

    two-leggeds let go or discarded: they are telepathic,

    and empathic. Ours come to us to share our joy,

    cushion our pain, love us up, tell us we stink when we

    won't let them outside, and sometimes just to hang with

    us and share how we're feeling. I've had them kiss me

    to try to make me feel better when I'm ill, even bring

    me their toys as they feel better with them so I may.

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