
How do you survive a cyclone?

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How do you survive a cyclone?




  1. Here are safety tips for surviving in cyclone

    what to do before and during the cyclone:

    *Have your dwellings checked before a cyclone season starts and carry out whatever repairs that are needed.

    * Talk to children and explain about cyclones without scaring them.

    *Create storm awareness by discussing effects of a cyclonic storm with family members so that everyone knows what one can and should do in an emergency. This helps to remove fear and anxiety and prepares everyone to respond to emergencies quickly.

    *Keep your valuables and documents in containers, which cannot be damaged by water.

    * Keep information about your blood group.

    * Keep lanterns filled with kerosene, torches and spare batteries. These must be kept in secure places and handy.

    * Make plans for people who are either sick, suffer from disabilities, aged and children.

    * Store up at least seven-day stock of essential food articles, medicines and water supply.

    *Keep blankets & clothes ready for making beds. Also keep cotton bandages and several copies of photographs of family members in case they are needed for identification purposes after the storm.

    * Store some wooden boards so that they can be used to cover windows.

    * Keep trees and shrubs trimmed. Remove damaged and decayed parts of trees to make them resist wind and reduce the potential for damage. Cut weak branches and make winds blow through.

    * All doors, windows and openings should be secured.

    * Continue to listen to warning bulletins and keep in touch with local officials. Keep radio sets in working condition. Battery powered radio sets are desirable.

    * Evacuate people to places of safety when advised.

    * Take steps to protect your assets.

    * Store extra drinking water in covered vessels.

    * Remain calm.

    what you shouldn't do during a cyclone:

    *During the storm do not venture out unless advised to evacuate.

    * If you have a vehicle and wish to move out of your house, leave early before the onset of a cyclone. It is often best to stay at home

    * Avoid remaining on the top floor of dwellings. Stay close to the ground.

    *Fishermen are advised not to venture out into the sea. They should keep boats and rafts tied up in a safe place.

    * Avoid taking shelters near old and damaged buildings or near trees.

    * Do not touch power lines. One may get electrocuted.

    what you should do after the cyclone:

    * Watch out for broken glass and other sharp items in debris.

    * Watch out for snakes and insects. Try to call for help.

    * Listen to the advice of local officials and emergency workers.

    * Be sure that the storm has subsided before venturing out.

    * It is advisable to wait for the "all clear message" on radio and TV networks.

    * Wait for emergency relief teams to arrive. It may take a little time before relief becomes effective.

    * Stay away from flooded areas.

    * Fishermen should wait for at least 24 hours before resuming fishing.

    * Volunteer to help people who may need assistance

  2. If you are referring to tropical cyclones (aka hurricanes or typhoons) the easiest way is to see where they are forecast to make landfall and move if you are in their path.

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