
How do you survive in the UK?

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How do you survive in the UK?




  1. try and avoid getting stabbed (i failed at that)

    try and stop my house being flooded, so that i have somewhere to live (i also failed at that)

    Try and work as many hours i can a week so i can afford to carry on with my education so that i can better myself, and drag myself out of the struggle of normal everyday life (i am doing ok with this)

    well, thats how i try and survive the best i can

  2. Ireland here.

    I love my life, never for one min have I considered it survivel.

    hagd :)

  3. survive ??? ... we're not a war torn, drought ravaged starving nation for heavens sake

    I survive just fine thank you ... have a good standard of living, enjoy myself, have brought up a family of intelligent youngsters

  4. come again

  5. I have no idea - it's a real struggle.

  6. get a fantastic education and get a really well paid job, its the only way

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