
How do you swing a driver?

by  |  earlier

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help i play like c**p




  1. J ROCK knows a lot!

  2. it helps if your line your foot up with the ball and extend your arm all the way out to the ball but not to far. And on your backswing approach take it allow and keep your eye on the ball and shoulders aligned..oh yeah and when your taking your backswing your back should be facing your target. and on your downswing don't try to kill the ball just take it easy and let the club do the work

  3. backwards then forwards

  4. Low and slow.

  5. try the site below for free swing lessons

  6. well you take a normal grip, your set up changes a bit, the ball is positioned just inside your left heel, your feet are about should width, if not just a tad wider.  Myself, I tip my hip upwards just a bit to help angle my spine slightly to the right(I am right handed), I then take the club back smooth, low and slow building momentum.  The club arc is more a u-shape instead of a shard down angle with an iron kind of like a baseball swing.  Keep your head behind the ball, and hit slightly up on the ball.  Hope this helps a bit.

  7. tee it high and let it fly baby!!

  8. IF i were you i would jsut go get help from a golf PRO. im trying to get on the PGA tour and all i have to say is all swings are differnt there is no wrong or right way to swing a golf club. Look at your hands wen you get to the top make sure they are pointed toward ur target then go from there.

  9. you want to play your drive with the ball parrallel to your left foot if your right handed. Also, keep your head down at all times! that alone should improve the distance of your drive by at least 15 yards and it will make it more accurate

  10. Grip it and Rip it.

  11. well first you stand about 10 ft back from the ball then you run as fast as you can then hit the ball if you want more distance then you let  go of then club and scream 4!!!!!!

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